West Nile virus arrived in America in 1999 and made it to California three years later.
There are no medications to treat West Nile virus or vaccines to prevent infection.
CNN: West Nile virus on the rise in the U.S., health officials say
West Nile virus peaked in 2002 and 2003, when severe cases of the disease reached nearly 3, 000.
Mosquitoes, and the West Nile virus that some of them carry, are thriving in California's plunging property market.
Mosquitoes also may begin breeding extensively, leading to outbreaks of West Nile virus.
"This declaration will expand our avenues for assistance in our ongoing battle with West Nile virus, " Jenkins said in a statement.
West Nile virus was first reported in the United States in 1999 in New York, and then gradually spread across the country.
The firm plans to use some of the smallpox proceeds to help develop its experimental vaccines for West Nile virus and dengue fever.
According to the United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), it was the worst year for West Nile virus since 2003.
West Nile virus was first identified in Africa in the 1930s, before spreading out from there and appearing in North America in 1999.
This week, Central Park was abruptly closed, and a free concert postponed, after the discovery there of mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus.
By this point last year officials there had discovered nine birds that had been killed by West Nile virus and not one infected mosquito.
" As for West Nile virus, the villainous mosquito here "is the most widely distributed mosquito in the world, common on every continent but Antarctica.
He said doctors in Florida tested the donor for various causes of encephalitis, including West Nile Virus and herpes, but did not test for rabies.
However, one virus which may cause a problem is West Nile Virus, a potentially deadly condition which peaks in the US in August and September.
One is supposedly impersonal and medical: West Nile Virus encephalitis.
The incidence of West Nile virus has remained the same for the past four years, and Petersen says he doesn't expect this year to be any different.
Mayo Clinic vaccine researcher Gregory Poland counts more than a dozen new diseases that have emerged in the last few decades: HIV, Lyme disease, West Nile virus, avian influenza.
The death toll from US cases of West Nile virus, which has killed scores of people, has risen by nearly a third in a week, according to health officials.
The water is also an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes, particularly in the warm, wet climate of the Gulf Coast, which could mean a spike in mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile virus.
The United States is experiencing its biggest spike in West Nile virus since 2004, with 241 cases of the disease reported nationwide this year so far, including four deaths, health officials said last weekend, before the latest totals.
In the time it took him to walk down his driveway in Fort Collins, Colorado, chat briefly with a neighbor and return to his house, Petersen got infected with a potentially serious mosquito-borne illness called West Nile virus.
As to the West Nile Virus theory, I understand it is connected with a phenomenon of mass bird deaths that was noticed in the area of Babylon in the Spring of 323, which seems to me a slender thread of evidence.
These diseases, ranging from dengue fever and malaria to West Nile virus and yellow fever, are the cause of millions of deaths worldwide, yet control methods have become a dilemma due to the development of resistance by mosquitoes and increased concern about health and environmental hazards.
FORBES: Mosquitoes And Malaria In India Are No Match For This Teen Girl Scientist