The key item in the UConn report is that Das repeatedly manipulated western blot images.
FORBES: Resveratrol and Fraud
The western blot test was only one of many tests used to draw scientific conclusions in published studies.
FORBES: Resveratrol and Fraud
Western blot tests are frequently altered to remove backgrounds, enhance contrast and increase dots-per-inch resolution so they are suitable for publication.
FORBES: Resveratrol and Fraud
Dr. Das explains that editors at scientific publications commonly request researchers enhance faded images of western blot tests so they can be duplicated in their publications.
FORBES: Resveratrol and Fraud
While his initial answer was no, meaning he had not fabricated or altered any scientific finding, altering western blot images are a common practice in laboratories for reasons other than deception.
FORBES: Resveratrol and Fraud