Few Chinese ventured westward along the Silk Road and those that did, like Zhang, had very different motives.
Historians will be correct to record the years 1971 and 1972 as the Great Westward Shift.
The story of westward expansion as told from Tonto's perspective isn't entirely accurate historically.
Every month four to eight tonnes of heroin are thought to pass westward through the Balkans.
So successful has the scheme been, that in February, London extended the charging zone westward.
It goes as far south as Brazil ranging westward to China and Indonesia, Korea and Singapore.
At the top is the foreign policy of the presidency, which has usually been westward-leaning.
That argument and the hope that Mr Adamkus will lead Lithuania westward convinced the electorate, just.
U. The generals believe in one thing above all--that Turkey's future lies in a westward direction.
Given that America accounts for about half of the open defence-equipment market, this westward migration makes sense.
Threatened by Iraq, the house of Saud tilted westward during the Gulf war and kept exports flowing.
Such omens suggest that the Berlin republic is a different sort of character from its westward-leaning, Bonn-based predecessor.
The advertising campaign has reached South to Florida, and will slowly expand westward.
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Ms. SILL: (Singing) The sweetest rapture ...(unintelligible) capture (unintelligible) my heart in the westward direction of my own resurrection.
The advertising campaign will soon reach South to Florida, then slowly expand westward.
FORBES: How Goya Became One Of America's Fastest-Growing Food Companies
Louboutin headed westward on the Boulevard Saint-Martin, then looped south toward the Bastille.
That kind of attitude helped fuel America's great westward expansion, and the idea of that journey informs Americana Symphony.
The time between Danielle and Sandy was the longest interval in the record between westward-moving storms north of Hatteras.
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Another reason for the gulf between the Balkans and the westward-moving rest of the old communist swathe is ethnicity.
Which is why their westward trip this Thanksgiving weekend is of paramount importance.
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Westward, Russia has regained much of its lost influence in Ukraine, a vital link in gas transit to European markets.
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His art documented the joys and the pains of the westward journey and the growth of Los Angeles' black community.
But the Liberals' industrial base has contracted and Canada's centre of economic gravity has shifted, westward and towards natural resources.
It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.
As morning works its way westward around the planet, so does a wave of heat-expanded atmosphere, known as a thermal tide.
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Whether or not Latvia manages to settle its differences with Russia, the outcome of the election confirms the country's westward yearnings.
It is tough for fans to not look westward at the Denver Nuggets, New York's trading partner in the Anthony deal.
Ms. HANCOCK: I just invite people to drive down 59 South, and take the University Boulevard overpass and look down westward.
It has had trouble with clients over schools, from Kirklees in the north, westward to Wirral, down to Brighton in the south.
Fortunately, vast pine forests in Wisconsin and Michigan could be cut and shipped down Lake Michigan to Chicago to support this westward expansion.
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