As his forces moved westwards almost unhindered, he was acclaimed as the country's saviour.
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Brazilians, once described as clinging to the coast like crabs, have scurried westwards and northwards.
Meanwhile, up to 10, 000 former Rwandan soldiers are still moving westwards ahead of the rebels.
The authors say warmer weather spreading north-westwards from continental Europe will extend the range of many species.
It expanded westwards with the country after being introduced around the time of the war of 1812.
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Geologists believe that the petroliferous structures discovered in the deep blocks extend westwards into contiguous ultra-deep blocks.
Weeks later they started turning up hundreds of miles westwards, skeins of exhausted families limping along the road.
Plans are afoot to extend it westwards to Uzbekistan and its gas reserves.
That would leave him with a third way: staying put in Belarus, unable to turn his country eastwards or westwards.
In subsequent years the road was upgraded and extended to the stretch it covers today, sweeping westwards between Belfast and Dungannon.
Samoa and Tokelau have skipped a day - and jumped westwards across the international dateline - to align with trade partners.
Eventually even the remaining land masses would be destroyed as the direction of offshore winds and the tide forced the coastline ever westwards.
Rates of migration westwards from the new members of the EU, in 2004 and since, far exceeded the expectations of most experts and officials.
Without higher salaries, talented dons from new Europe could drift westwards.
In 1942, in Egypt, the German Afrika Korps and Italian forces under Rommel began a retreat westwards after a renewed campaign by the allies under Montgomery.
The outsiders could now agree to restrain their Congolese clients, stopping the rebels from fighting westwards, the soldiers from fighting eastwards, and leaving Mr Kabila as nominal head of a split Congo.