He whacked New Mexico's top income-tax rate by 40% and capital gains by 50%.
Some latch onto the pendulum as it soars higher, but others get whacked as it returns.
Afraid a key vendor will get whacked by a hurricane and shut down your production?
From there, its a short sail to Newport, then Jamestown, which got whacked by Superstorm Sandy.
Chuck Schumer just put a tax bull's-eye on upper-income Manhattanites, and Barbara Boxer whacked Silicon Valley.
New stories and a novel about a whacked-out imaginary town during the Dust Bowl drought.
Still, Lieber figures as long as mortgage REITs are buying on margin, some risk getting whacked eventually.
But this pot, which we assume is put into a brokerage account, gets whacked by taxes every year.
The storm whacked refineries across the Gulf Coast, shutting nine of them and slowing at least three others.
The whole lot of them, from Citigroup to Morgan Stanley and Bank of America, all got whacked today.
FORBES: Problem With Germany And China: Who Bails Out The Bailers?
While he deliberately increased the numbers of police and teachers, he whacked away at the employment rolls everywhere else.
He swung it around, he stabbed trees and rocks, he whacked branches and relieved them of their snowy burden.
After years of declining raw-material prices, clothes firms such as Gap announced profit warnings and saw their shares whacked.
Hamilton's Alex Neil whacked in a shot from 25 yards in the 16th minute that cleared the St Mirren crossbar.
Similarly, in the legacy report they are net-long 9, 036 contracts, having added 6, 165 gross longs and whacked 5, 849 gross shorts.
FORBES: Funds Shed Gold Positions, Bolster PGM Futures, Options - CFTC
The stock market got whacked last Friday, primarily due to fears of the impact of financial regulatory reform on bank profits.
FORBES: Austerity Does A Lizzie Borden Number On The Recovery
Non-commercial accounts also whacked copper net-long positions, leaving them net-long 10, 855 contracts after cutting 16, 665 gross longs and 3, 254 gross shorts.
FORBES: FOCUS: Speculators Scurry From Precious, Base Metals - CFTC
The stock market in Brazil got whacked in 2008-09 like everywhere else.
India is getting whacked by high oil prices and needs foreign capital to pay its obligations as it runs an account deficit.
FORBES: Fed QE Doesn't Change Fundamentals In Big Four Emerging Markets
If you are prepared for some risk, junk bonds pay about 5%, but they tend to get whacked when interest rates rise.
But then came a recession in which advertising revenues were severely whacked.
Smaller firms that had followed the leveraged buy-out path got whacked, too.
The corporate tax rate would be whacked from 35% to 25%, and the capital gains levy would be reduced by a third to 10%.
Local resort manager Greg Shean said the rescuer whacked the crocodile with a tree branch until it let go and disappeared into the water.
Anthony is battling a sore left shoulder, an injury originally sustained when he was whacked in a victory over the Pacers on April 14.
And so on, until we retire from the innovation field confused, frustrated, skeptical and thoroughly disillusioned, with little to show except for some whacked-up innovation moles.
In 2007, along a familiar stretch of the British Virgin Islands from Anguilla to Anegada, Discovery's keel whacked a reef in the middle of the night.
The Real Madrid defender whacked his shot off the raised arm of Whittaker and Villa hit the resultant penalty past McGregor to give the visitors the lead.
Jim Collins ' OTC Insight model portfolios gained an average of 9.8% last month, after getting whacked hard last year--down 39.8%, according to the Hulbert Financial Digest.
When bad weather forces airlines to thin flight schedules, regional airlines get whacked first because carriers would rather used limited landing slots for larger airplanes with more people.