The fin whale is the second largest animal in the world, behind the blue whale, and is an endangered species.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Final chapter for beached whale
Glass mosaic tiles will then be applied to create the images of an Atlantic white-sided dolphin, a short-beaked common dolphin and fin whale.
BBC: Sculptures selected for Dunnet Head and beach
The turtle is the latest in a large number of sea creatures, including a 40 tonne fin whale, to be found on beaches around Wales.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Dead turtle washed up on beach
It was originally thought that the mammal was a minke whale, but the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group now believes it is more likely to be a fin or a sei whale.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Tide dashes hopes of moving whale
The glossy black fin and back of a minke whale rose a hundred yards astern, two yellow-striped dolphins broke water and plunged down again, and then the flow of the turned tide could be seen as a chop on the water, small standing waves that indicated the Minch was reversing its direction.
WSJ: The Low-Tech, High-Stakes Way to Sail Scotland
Attracted by plankton, krill and large shoals of herring, minke, fin, humpback, and the occasional killer whale habitually pass through the briny coastal waters between Donegal and Cork City.
BBC: Whale watching on Ireland��s newest coastal route