With computer makers, old-line camera companies, and electronics giants all jumping into a fresh field, there is an unusual variety of interpretations of what a digital camera should do and look like.
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They found the photos to be on par what "an average" point-and-shoot digital camera with the caveat that this is still a phone first, and then a camera.
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It's now possible to shoot high-quality video with what looks like, to the uncritical eye, a digital SLR camera.
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Once he established the science behind the idea was possible, he built a prototype, which involved a sensor that detects what level of agitation a patient is experiencing, using a digital video camera.
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Alexa is ARRI's answer to the RED ONE digital, so don't be held captive by your consumer-based experience of what a camera is or what it should look like.
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The giant digital camera will take over 500 exposures each night, collecting about four terabytes of data (equivalent to what 1, 000 DVDs can hold).
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