Dr Ward and Dr Kellis have thus created a powerful tool for investigating in detail just what it is that makes a human being human.
ECONOMIST: Evolution
The reason is that a dollar spent today, human nature being what it is, is worth more to people than a dollar spent tomorrow.
ECONOMIST: From here to eternity | The
Though the artificial Golgi Dr Linhardt and his team have designed is much bigger than a cell, it is still small by the standards of human engineering, being built on what is known as a digital-fluidics chip.
ECONOMIST: An attempt to mimic part of a cell on a chip
While logic allows you to be a functional human being, having a firm grasp of what is illogical will be what allows you to profit consistently.
FORBES: Seven Logical Thoughts That Can Ruin Your Financial Life
And human nature being what it is, there is a depressing default supposition that most politicians are in it for selfish reasons.
FORBES: The Mitt Romney You Don't Know (Yet)
If this is something you really want to do, your intentions are good, you take pride in what you do, and you are a decent human being who cares and is committed to doing it right, I want you to do it, and do it well, and succeed, and be appropriately rewarded.
FORBES: What Does It Take To Start A Hotel?
What seems to be attractive in science is no longer its being a high intellectual activity, a continuous human search to represent and predict nature, but for what it can produce in terms of controlling, and therefore in terms of power, of mankind on his sorroundings and his fellows.
UNESCO: Science Policy and Capacity-Building
The underlying premise here is that male geeks are so unattractive, indeed so collectively repulsive, that there is a 50% gap between what they will find attractive and the attractiveness standards of any given other human being.
FORBES: #1reasonwhy: Geek Gender Meltdowns Happen Regularly, Still Bad For Business