"If what he says is true, what he's done is not cowardly, it has taken a significant amount of courage, because no one has ever done that before, " said May.
"What Olivero's done is darken the picture, make us a little confused, " Kashkashian says.
What Moody's has done is to narrow the choices available to Germany and its people - and some would see that as a good thing given that the eurozone's financial survival depends on a willingness of Germany to deploy more of its financial resources to the benefit of its over-stretched eurozone neighbours.
This is especially dangerous for a candidate whose spectacular early success in raising Republican hopes and cash owes more to who he is than to what he's done--and more specifically, to who his father is and what the Bush brand has come to mean.
He has proved himself time and time again, but it's not about what he's done in the past it is about what he is doing now.
BBC: SPORT | Football | World Cup 2006 | Teams | England | Terry Butcher's view on England
"The more I reflect on who she is, what she's done and how great it would be for this sport, in my opinion it is a marketing opportunity that FIS should be taking, " Lee-Gartner added.
And the convention has to work out how to interest Europe's citizens in what is being done in their name.
These banks have a high share of mortgage lending and are heavily exposed to commercial property and construction lending - which is what has done for them, because Spain's housing market is weak and becoming weaker, and its commercial property sector is a basket case.
What the paper's also done very well is to capture the zeitgeist amongst cyclists especially in London.
What's interesting is if people have done this and remarried, we still see, in their health, the scars or marks -- the damage that was done by this event.
CNN: Divorce takes health toll that remarriage can't heal, study says
"We have to look at doing things a lot differently than what's been done in the past because this is a very unique audience, and we're marketing a product that's never been marketed before, " Mr. Marchand said.
Mr McNeill's modest aim is to assess what humanity has done to its environment throughout history.
And yet, at Saudi Arabia's insistence, that is precisely what OPEC has done.
"It's just great -- what they've done is fantastic: the venues are stunning and the landscaping looks great, " said Olympics visitor Bethan Slater.
Since Valentine's Day is in many ways about doing at least as much as what is going to be done for you, I needed a peek into the male mind.
She deeply, deeply regrets what she's done but what she's asking for is a punishment that's proportionate.
BBC: Lindsay Sandiford accuses UK of condoning death penalty
How you become an interviewer, why it's done like it is and what are its techniques?
Many on Wall Street say Kindler's only option is to do what Pfizer has always done: buy somebody big, like Wyeth or Bristol-Myers Squibb.
For U.S. labor advocates, those profits are proof that Indian outsourcing companies can afford to pay for what they say is damage done to the U.S. labor market.
Many on Wall Street say Kindler's only option is to do what Pfizer has always done: buy somebody big, like Wyeth or Bristol-Myers Squibb (nyse: BMY - news - people ).
What's startling is that the invented elements have been done so well. (One tolerable, perhaps inevitable, exception is a moist, uplifting coda.) Without giving any plot points away, I can tell you that a climactic scene turns on a marvelous surprise, and promise you frequent spasms of suspense that will grow almost unbearable.
WSJ: 'Argo,' on Fake Film, Is Real Sensation | Film Review by Joe Morgenstern
It's a bit more defensive but what he has done for me is defined my role.
Mr Fazio's power over what can or cannot be done in Italian banking is legendary.
What's since become clear is that the Scotland had already done so.
"The problem with tax hikes with Social Security is that's what's always been done, and it hasn't gotten the job done, " Fleischer said.
However, tinkering with T-cell function is only a small part of what is being done to overcome the body's often-cursed refusal to be medicated.
It's not false modesty - he knows what he has done and is rightfully proud of it - but an unease about appearing false, being seen as a big-time Charlie, when he is just plain Paul.
We are now in a situation where our farmers have adapted and done the right thing and what's happened is that other countries are not following it at all and trying to put eggs produced in battery cages, which we've banned, back onto the market.
What is clear is that U.S. officials appear to have done little to stop Madoff, even though a lot of other people in the financial markets were raising questions about him.