However, in the world of social media, where talking about what is happening in the now is social currency, time shifting is a losing proposition.
Then again, maybe that is what the ICA should be doing, and it is now time for some of the other bigger, more established institutions to take a look at themselves?
In that way the future is always now, because it is always time to consider what you do and why you do it.
"This judgment confirms what we have been saying for a long time, and what the government has now recognised - Ashfield is no place for a child, " said Frances Crook, chief executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, which represented all seven claimants.
In short, it is unclear what exactly France wants from Europe right now, at a time when it is supposed to begin steering the debate.
Concepts of justice have changed over time: what was once thought just is now sometimes viewed as unjust.
And in the time of deficits now, what is the administration doing to ensure that this money is being spent wisely?
But at the same time, what they're asking is now that the President or the administration should have some kind of debate on race or against hate in America, a national debate that will help them bring all those issues behind -- facing America today.
Every country I think is concerned right now about what other countries are doing at a time when the recovery is still fragile.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Availability | The White House
What is different is that our technology now allows us to transcend the barriers of distance and time much more effectively than was possible before.
With time running out, what might be required now is a gesture from Israel that can make that a reality and avoid a showdown in New York next week.
By his persuasive account, leaders such as the Sherif Hussein, who ruled what is now western Saudi Arabia at the time of the first world war, or Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt's president from 1956 until 1970, were remarkably reckless men.
At the time there were slaughterhouses on the site of what is now the United Nations headquarters, and it was considered a less-than-fashionable neighborhood.
What the President has been saying for quite some time now is that he believes that comprehensive immigration reform is in the best interests of the economy of the United States of America.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
There's a reason why we're the only fortune 500 company with an exclamation point at the end of our name, and now is the time to demonstrate what that exclamation point stands for.
At the same time, those same people express the concerns of what is happening now.
And what that means is that we can now provide real-time analytics as a part of our solutions.
What Western men at one time understood as the truth of existence is now only an absolutely uncertain belief.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: David Yerushalmi on the Geert Wilders Trial
What we see right now is that, for the first time in its history, Buffett is buying his own stock back.
If you have been sitting on the fence wondering about what do with your project or kit, now is the time to get off the fence and start selling.
"We showed the world what we can do in London 2012 - now is the time to capitalise on this great success and the expertise so many British companies demonstrated in delivering the Games, " said Trade and Investment Minister Lord Green.
As such, now is the time to think carefully about what it will take for you to get promoted at work in 2013.
Remind them all that you have never asked anything of them before, but now is the time to make good on what they owe you.
WSJ: Cicero, Dirty Tricks and the American Way of Campaigning
Now is also the time for funds to examine what they have been doing over the past ten years or so and address any weaknesses.
FORBES: Time��s Running Out For America��s Pensions (May 1, 2003 )
In the wake of this event, now is a good time to reflect on exactly what the Eagle Ford Shale means to the State of Texas.
Mr. JEFFREY WHITE (Washington Institute for Middle East Policy): What we're seeing over time now, since the January elections, is an increasing political aspect to the insurgency.
And there's a couple -- so what we want out of this, out of the next two days, is to spend time in these pivotal states reminding people what's at stake, what the choice is in this election, and that now is the time to get engaged, to get involved and to vote.
Just as we did last quarter, now is the time for us to shine and show what we're made of.
Right now what we can do in a relatively short period of time is express our views very clearly and review possible unilateral actions we can take.
Smartphones on average worldwide will be pulling down data at 4.5 megabits per second, up from 1mbps now, which is about what I get at home with Time Warner cable.