"There's not enough words to describe what it feels like, " he said.
Partly because it is so hard to grasp what these numbers mean, recent historians have tended to concentrate on particular theatres or aspects of the war with an emphasis on trying to describe what it was like for the human beings caught up in it.
People ask me a lot what it feels like but it's hard to describe and sometimes I don't remember having a seizure.
Ultimately, Donahoe has to describe what Ebay is if it isn't an auction site.
But, ultimately, part of being principled, part of being a leader is, A, being able to describe exactly what it is that you intend to do -- not just saying I'll sit down, you have to have a plan.
We asked him to describe in three words what it felt like when he won the Young Sports Personality of the Year award.
What is it, I mean I know you just said it's too awful to describe but can you then describe it?
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Imran Khan, Leader of the Justice Party
It was coined to describe what usually happens after something very extraordinary has happened.
FORBES: Mr. Market Will Get His Pound Of Flesh...And Then Some
The term non-profit organization has been used to describe what an organization is not rather than what it is.
They should not imply that patients will feel "better" or "look nicer", for example, and should instead use unambiguous language like "bigger" or "smaller" to describe what that patient is trying to change, it says.
What sorts of adjectives would we need to use to adequately describe it?
It's difficult to describe what I felt on that final lap with all the flags and the crowds cheering for me.
For example, an organization working on saving mountain gorillas in Rwanda might vividly describe what it would look and feel like to triple the population of gorillas and the employ hundreds of former poachers as tourist guides.
Listening to Ofer Lahav talk about dark energy I'm struck that this is what it must have been like to hear Isaac Newton describe gravity in the 1680s.
Dr Reid said it was difficult to find words to describe what had happened.
Mr. ROMNEY: I do not believe that as a presidential candidate, it is wise for us to describe precisely what techniques will we use in interrogating people.
Can we bring in the context behind the inquiry? (without too much effort) What does it need to know about us and our work to describe that context?
Pulgar-Vidal did not describe the extent of the contamination or estimate what it would cost to clean up.
Two centuries after Carl Linnaeus invented the system now used to describe it, and a century after Charles Darwin worked out what causes it, the ability of that diversity to surprise is still staggering.
ECONOMIST: A new, giant virus is confounding old certainties
So let me -- just very quickly, let me describe what it is that we have proposed -- and I'm waiting to see what the Republicans propose in turn -- because there's been a lot of misinformation here.
Sometimes politicians react to these stories with what we in the trade call "non-denial denials" but it would be stretching things to describe the response from Team Hain in those terms.
Now I knew the answer straight away, after all I was the one who said it, but words failed me on the spot and I struggled to describe what my mind was thinking.
Fiddleback is the term often used to describe wavy grain in maple since it's frequently used for you-know-what.
First and most important, it is very important to continue medication when one is still depressed, so given what you describe, I would counsel against stopping the antidepressant.