Despite what you may think, most companies are sympathetic to people who cannot afford repayments.
This is what you see here: a large pool of water left behind by the sea.
It's what you have left after you subtract what you owe from what you own.
Pack up your family and what you can carry and get out of town.
So much so that "any minor change in what you usually consume is easily noted, " he says.
What you will see is a lot of is red, a lucky colour according to Chinese culture.
Typically your employer or your pension plan administrator can project what you may receive at different retirement dates.
What you contribute to an HSA reduces your taxable salary, meaning thousands in tax savings for high-income folks.
There are two tragedies in life: not getting what you want, and getting what you want.
FORBES: Paul Graham Chart: Jeremy Lin or Tortoise That Wins The Race?
If it's already on their books, why would they be opposed to what you've written?
But GPRS connections aren't much faster than what you might expect from a dialup mode.
That's what you call some bling, right there. (Laughter.) All right, there you go.
Combine these three factors and what you get is more money chasing fewer shares.
FORBES: Why Stock Prices Should Keep Rising Despite Slowing Wage Growth
Despite what you may see on the evening news, there are encouraging signs of progress.
MS. CROWLEY: Governor, let me ask the President something about what you just said.
Just show us that you are applying your own laws in what you're doing.
What you cherish in a value stock may not be what appeals to some else.
You express the amount as a percentage of what you'd pay for the house.
Believe in what you stand for and put yourself to the test every day.
So we are grateful to you all for what you do to support your parents.
It was important today to stand up and say, 'What you did made no difference.
The following is adapted from Life Is What You Make It, by Peter Buffett.
We pass the ball and that's what you need to do in the Premier League.
Remember, Russia is an oil and gas play no matter what you like about non-commodity fundamentals.
You need to create a roadmap- what you think will happen in the coming months.
We are trying to work with the marketplace to understand what you are trying to accomplish.
What do you really want, and what are you willing to give up in return?
FORBES: What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for Personal and Professional Growth?
In a marketplace you can find what you want, look it over, and buy it.
Regardless of what you think of Jay Leno, he understands this concept very well.
FORBES: gyroVoice: The Most Important Brand Strategy Question: What Would You Ask Elvis?
Brands are a culmination of how people perceive you and what you stand for.
FORBES: gyroVoice: The Most Important Brand Strategy Question: What Would You Ask Elvis?