Look around and you may just see the next Nairo Quintana wheeling through the streets.
Nixon travelled to Wheeling only after he got assurances that he would remain on the ticket.
Here's Mr. Bush at an event with military families in Wheeling, West Virginia yesterday.
His competitor, a Brazilian steelmaker seven times Esmark's size, had the support of Wheeling-Pittsburgh.
She moves restlessly this way and that, struggling to follow the wheeling eddies of the affray.
Mediobanca, Italy's old wheeling and dealing investment bank, managed Telecom Italia's privatisation in 1997.
The movie never got made, and Hollywood wheeling and dealing wore him down after a while.
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That requires wheeling out the heavy artillery of the field, drugs such as vancomycin and metronidazole.
WHEELING, W.Va. (AP) The chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives is coming to Wheeling.
Assuming the merger goes through, Wheeling-Pittsburgh gives the brothers their first steel mill, along with likely headaches.
For years, Ken Lay and George Bush have been joined at the hip, two free-wheeling Texas buddies.
The most open, joyous, free-wheeling, celebratory city in the country is broken, hurting, down on its knees.
As the debate unfolds, expect to see much wheeling and dealing before either chamber votes on a bill.
The notion that Mr O'Connor has turned from free-wheeling arch-capitalist into a latter-day Big Brother is ironic indeed.
No wonder that African conservatives sense that their terms for continuing partnership with free-wheeling Americans have not been met.
America was not unusual in experiencing the hedonistic, anti-authority, free-wheeling, drug-taking, free-sex counter-culture.
For me at the moment too many people manipulate things by deliberately wheeling.
It was still early yet and all the shadows wheeling right and shortening.
Blair stood in his way but Phillips dipped his shoulder and sent the Edinburgh and Scotland captain cart-wheeling backwards.
Worst of all, a biotech manager must cope with his own free-wheeling researchers.
Lots of wheeling and dealing would ensue, and after several ballots a nominee would emerge from the four current candidates.
Lynx, deer and wild boars populate its woodlands, and golden eagles can often be spotted wheeling amongst the mountain peaks.
Gas accounts for 26% of Wheeling-Pittsburgh's energy usage and perhaps 15% of the manufacturing cost in its integrated steel mills.
Education should be far more free-wheeling, with a much broader curriculum and more creative, diverse, and experimental approaches to teaching.
He's been giving speeches, taking questions from reporters at the White House press conference, from the public in Cleveland and Wheeling.
"If you have five courses and five cocktails, we'd be wheeling you out of the restaurant in a wheelbarrow, " he says.
Much wheeling and dealing will take place before the congress in April that is to decide who should be the leader.
John Kerry took the stage with a more free-wheeling Leno last year.
There has to be wheeling and dealing in a parliament of coalitions.
Donovan, the OSS was a free-wheeling collection of our country's best minds.