But to do nothing at all and plough merrily onwards - what a wheeze.
When you are so few, dividing still further does not seem much of a wheeze.
Another wheeze was diversification into peripheral businesses such as waste management or renewable energy.
For all that, the book succeeds and ends up as something rather more than a clever publishing wheeze.
He nodded, though Lucy could still hear a more-than-faint wheeze in his breathing.
Last December, the Dutch government clamped down on this wheeze by ordering the post office to open all suspicious packages.
So Mr Moreno's latest wheeze involves responding to a vanishing current-account surplus with strict import controls, which will undermine growth.
So, congratulations are due for the lunacy of this promotional wheeze for SoulCalibur V, latest in the sword-centric fighting franchise.
That is surely quite different: a painful emergency measure, not a brilliant wheeze for running an economy in more normal times.
Some chairmen, such as Gerald Kaufman (culture, media and sport) and Chris Mullin (home affairs) have hit on a good wheeze.
The popular inference from Mr Brown's AV wheeze is that being hunted to death seriously compromises the integrity of a government.
The main point of fuel duty, though, is as a fiscal wheeze: it made up 5% of the tax take in 2010.
ECONOMIST: High petrol prices hurt, but will not throttle the economy
Hearing her wheeze in the smoke which I could barely stand, looking at her bedroom door, burning these are things I can't forget.
Marble Fairy is Jimmy - lead guitar, Molly - lead vocals, Jake - bass, Charlie - drums and Wheeze on keyboards and synth.
MPs are wondering whether what seemed like a brilliant wheeze to make the government look silly is really such a good idea after all.
Frank A. Dittig was recovering from a nasty bout of pneumonia in the spring of 2004 when he developed a wheeze that wouldn't go away.
"He would run, and he would wheeze while running, " Pruitt recalled.
That was another wheeze dreamed up, years ago, to "unlock" a lot of new infrastructure projects, without the government having to take on the upfront costs.
His proposals for raising money will probably be adopted even if his ideas for spending it are not: the wheeze allows the prime minister to save face.
Creed listened to her heart, which had a normal rhythm, and to her lungs, hearing the fine crackles of her pulmonary fibrosis but also a new wheeze.
The real-estate-dependent U.S. economy is starting to wheeze.
And if the Tories do win the next election (which must be held by June 2010) despite the government's spending wheeze, they may find the public finances in even direr shape than now looks likely.
The Marbles' sound originated from Jimmy and Louise (Wheeze) writing and producing demo's with the other members of the band building up songs with their individual talents to create the layered electro-pop tracks MySpace users are currently enjoying.
The clever wheeze that Mr Hunt had negotiated with James Murdoch of News Corporation was that News Corporation would spin off 61% of Sky News into a new independent company, which would have a new board of its own and would be funded by News Corporation for a decade.