This is the thought that stays with me when I remember the hundreds of faces turned toward the rising sun.
"It hurts me a lot when I remember occasions when I shouted at my sons because I asked them to do something and they ignored it, " he says.
That's when I remember the famous Rupert Brooke poem about the nobility of dying for your country and the "corner of a foreign field that will be forever England".
And look, I think in terms of school supplies and stuff -- look, I remember when I was in school in Alabama, we went the Tuesday after Labor Day.
Not that I'm necessarily equating the two in terms of literary merit, but I remember when I discovered "The Hardy Boys" in fifth or sixth grade: After reading the first book, I was so smitten I begged my parents to buy me the remaining fortysomething volumes for my birthday.
For example, I can remember when I was leading a major merger and acquisition process.
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"I definitely remember when I was younger, I was vomiting 24-7, " Samantha said.
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"I just remember when I joined the cabinet in 1979 there were some giants there and Quintin was one, " he told BBC News 24.
Mr. PETER MOREN: (Singing) I remember when, when I first moved here a long time ago.
But, baby, I can't remember when I felt so good in the morning after such a night.
"I saw from a very early age that 'he had the feeling, ' but I remember very well when I knew he'd be quite good, " he said.
My own hair is straightened and has been for more years than I can remember, but when I wore my hair in braids, I would consistently encounter people asking a million questions about my hair.
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When I meet families made homeless by war, when I meet people who are hungry, I remember my own country after the war.
So I want to ask you if it doesn't sound very familiar with - remember when I talked about the OIC? 2005?
Mr. FLASH: I can remember at a point when I would look - when I would think about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame it was like this building that had a mote with sharks around it.
Now, Lester, I remember when you told us weeks ago that Atlanta would not fire Vick.
There are a few glorious moments in the day when I don't remember it.
Remember when I said that it only applied in the first three years after the divorce decree?
Of course, not everyone was, and I remember when the media landscape was drastically changing in 2006.
Remember when I said the game was a bit more of a challenge?
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Remember when I said that the House was going to push off the debt ceiling for three months?
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Because I remember when my son came back home from Iraq after a year, there were all these ceremonies.
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But I remember when President Bush was beating Bill Clinton by 20 points.
And I remember when even further back in another town, Because I saw something written that I used to say back then.
"I remember when I did 'Daddio, '" he said, referring to the short-lived NBC sitcom about a stay-at-home father that ran in 2000.
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Still, I remember when I started playing SW:TOR for the first time.
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"I remember when I was a little kid they scared me, " says Carolyn Harris, 53, a waitress and the daughter of Mr. Geiske.
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You know, I remember when my first son was born, and I was like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe you're finally here.
But I think for the people who were there on Saturday, they will have the fun of saying, 'Oh, I remember when it was moved.
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