Ben Bernanke, judging from a fawning review of the book he wrote when it came out, certainly fell for it.
South Sudan took with it nearly three-quarters of Sudan's oil production when it declared independence and the two sides fell out over how much the South should pay to export its oil through Sudanese pipelines.
BBC: President Bashir orders South Sudan border to be opened
Pringles has been put on the block several times now, and the company was close to selling it to Diamond Foods, but pulled out when the deal fell through.
FORBES: Why Americans Will Soon Be Singing "Zestfully Clean" -- Again
The government selected Los Angeles as the venue to file the lawsuit in part because it was one of the regions hardest hit when the bottom fell out of the housing market.
And it is true that John Major blew his credibility overnight when Britain fell out of Europe's exchange-rate mechanism.
It fell apart four years later, when first Jamaica and then Trinidad pulled out.
When the boy fell on the ball, the player tried to kick it out from under him and was sent off for violent conduct.
Shares in Zeneca, the British firm that makes the drug, initially rose but then fell when it became clear that Zeneca's patent on the drug has already run out in Europe and runs out in America in 2002.
When the company fell from dominance in the U.S., it was mainly due to products coming out of Cupertino, Calif.
The Stade Francais player was - like a good number seven - unable to resist the temptation to clear out English players at a ruck and when the ball fell loose he was not there to control it.
We're not sure if it's Sir Howard Stringer at the helm, or if it's just a corporate mid-life crisis, but we almost fell out of our chairs when Sony announced last year that their audio players would start supporting MP3.
ENGADGET: The latest chapter in Sony's sea change--SonicStage dies
For instance, the controversial story of how he fell out with the board of MoCA, which he co-founded in 1980 and then rescued when it came to the brink of liquidation in 2008, is given a mere page, when it alone could have filled an entire book.