They tell of repeated alternations between warm periods when the pass was useable and cold periods when it was shut by the ice.
The key point Bush made was that it is time to put aside the doctrine of mutually assured destruction that was the bedrock of security during the Cold War when it was basically a bipolar world, with the United States and the Soviet Union on opposite sides.
"When we started off it was a nice cold day, we could see the sky as the sun was out, " said the Bangor university student.
Only when the nation realized it was in a Cold War with the Soviet Union did we create the CIA. But unlike its predecessor, the CIA was designed as a defensive intelligence agency.
When posted abroad, it was not to a centre of cold-war espionage, but to Dresden, in provincial East Germany.
It was a cold day in January when I pulled into a parking space on a street in Harlem and squinted around to find the right address.
When humans blossomed from the evolutionary tree, it seems there was a cold wet nose and a wagging tail waiting for us.
It was a request more appropriate to the cold war, when Australia supported the United States with troops in Korea and Vietnam, than to an era when the Americans expect allies to pull their own weight in their own regions.
The paper also says the author received an offer from a Hollywood studio in 1998 to turn Escape From Cold Ditch into a film, but this was withdrawn when it was discovered DreamWorks were working on a similar project.
However when it was ratified in Moscow, Russian lawmakers linked it to the preservation of an earlier Cold War deal - the ABM - which prevented either side from creating a national missile defence system.
She said: "It was late and we were cold and wanted to get home, but when approached the lead hackney carriage for a lift the driver just said: "Four people but no dog.
When this Centre opened its doors in 1979, it was a bridge between East and West during the Cold War.
But Ms. Taylor insisted the cold was minor, and when Ms. Ioannou made her take her temperature, it was normal.
There was nothing unusual about a snowstorm in the Northeast this late in the season, when it can still get plenty cold.