And as often happens when I read well-written posts, it sparked a whole other chain of thinking in me.
FORBES: How To Be Seen As A Leader - At Any Point In Your Career
Griffin began investing as a Harvard undergrad when he read a Forbes article about the Home Shopping Network.
When they read comic books, they envision themselves as caped crusaders.
O'Brien became acquainted with Ferreras when a friend recommended she read the book "B as in Beauty, " a fiction novel written by Ferreras about a young Latina woman who struggles with self-esteem issues.
When Dunn read the press reports, she saw herself portrayed as a spymaster, a process freak, obsessed with leaks.
My local HOA has similar rules as well and I read them closely when my wife and I bought out house a few years ago.
Essentially, the consumers loved it (read: increased online engagement) when the product was presented as their hero.
In fact, eye squints can be observed as people read contracts or proposals, and when they occur, it is almost always a sign of having seen something troubling or problematic.
While I introduced him to Harry Potter, a beloved teacher gave him Wild Things, and a pal shared a couple of his own Goosebumps just when my son needed a friend as well as a good read.
Then they fumed when they read quotes from a USA Today article they felt portrayed women as unable to understand or appreciate sports in the same way as men.
"As a young boy I always read about it and when I achieved it I felt very honoured and privileged, " he said.
E-filing started as a pilot project in 1986 ( you can read the history and study results here as a pdf) when 25, 000 were filed online.
The cookie is created when users read an unsolicited e-mail with graphics in it, such as a banner advertisement off the Web, Smith said in a conference call.
You can read my opinion if you like but this is loser as when the law was written things were different so no witch hunt here, just a time to take another look at how the impact is today.
FORBES: Obamacare And Entrepreneurs: What You Should Know; How To Prepare
When I tried to read the SoftBook outdoors, the reflection of my face was as visible as the text.
Is it enough that the portfolio manager read one or more Wall Street research reports when he should have known (as all Wall Street insiders have long-known) such research is riddled with conflicts of interest?
FORBES: Money Manager Use of Tainted Wall Street Research (Oct 1, 2002 )
As of iOS 6 beta 3, when you start a coordinated read operation on a file or package for which you already have a local version, the coordinated read will be granted as soon as possible, and the new version, if any, will download in the background.
ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog
Why can I read this book on one eBook reader and not another when it costs the same as a physical book?
FORBES: Are We Ready To Move On From The Tools And Talk About Digital Content?
Painted in an era when shipwrecks and whaling deaths were objects of public fear, this work could be read as a rumination on mortality.
WSJ: Tale Told by a Modern Romantic | Jonah | Albert Pinkham Ryder | By Sidney Lawrence
This is when we read and hear in the media about a possibility so much we begin to accept it as reality.
FORBES: What's Good For Small Business Is Good For The World
This letter, which can be read in full on the Farient website, is as relevant today as it was when it was written.
FORBES: The More Things Change with CEO Pay, The More They Stay the Same
They're not, as I say, tribal fighting, it makes my hair stand on end when I read that in the newspaper.
She's not the same person as you'll read in my book that she was 10 years ago, when I first started this research.
These are open during the hours when students are aloft and foraging for food, coffee, companionship, as well as a place to read or study outside the too-familiar dorm or too-formal library.
When the women were asked later to outline their bodies again, those who had read about dating sketched themselves as slimmer, with narrower waists, compared with their earlier drawings, reflecting an effort to "block out any negative information about their bodies" and succeed at the dating game, Dr. Keating says.
Josh James: It's interesting, as consumers, when you go around, and you try to and you figure out what to read.
One of the rules of mathematics and physics, as I - a complete non-mathematician - read often in science books, is that when infinity is introduced into a scientific equation it no longer makes sense.
Why are academics such as Krugman, Ehrlich and Malthus so prone to believe the world is limited by finite resources when any read of history shows the opposite?
In California during the 1990s, Latinos read the anti-immigrant rhetoric of Pete Wilson, a Republican governor, as racist and were outraged when voters passed a ballot measure (later ruled unconstitutional) to bar undocumented immigrants from non-emergency public health care, welfare and education.