The SKA will use about 110 megawatts when up and running, so power bills will be a significant expense.
It was only in the second half that Arsenal's fluid passing game began to get going and even when it was up and running the visitors proved unable to consistently test James.
I'm not sure if it's just my phone, but when closed, the cover sticks up about 1 or 2mm and isn't smooth when running your fingers up and down.
And when this exchange is up and running, millions of people are going to be getting tax breaks to help them afford coverage.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks about Health Reform in Iowa City
When that gets up and running, as early as later this year, Navistar expects battery prices to fall and, with it, the cost of the truck.
As Virgin Galactic's chief pilot, David Mackay is likely to helm the first flights and may even break records for space travel as he clocks up at least one voyage per week when the service is up and running.
CNN: Richard Branson: Galactic spaceship to blast off in 2013
Between the time the bill passes and the time when the insurance exchange gets up and running there will now be penalties for insurance companies that arbitrarily jack up rates on consumers.
Plant manager Will Lejean(ph) says he has no idea when things will be up and running.
Even during the press conference I was getting messages from one operator claiming that it would provide much better coverage when its service was up and running.
Nwokobia got his first taste of the power of this real-time monitoring when the system first got up and running.
By the end of 2005, when EDS plans to be up and running on its new computer platform, it hopes 20, 000 workers will have "re-skilled" themselves.
They are sitting down for 8 hours a day - it's loading the spine up and then when they go running it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
It was imperative on parties that when the justice department was up and running they would learn from a "positive experience" and enable the agreement of a more stable department by May 2012.
Punishing success is never a good idea, and is especially undesirable when media companies are running up against powerful digital distributors like Apple, Facebook and Google.
But he thinks it might take time for rivals to get up and running even when January's 4G auction is complete.
Comics readers were told to post their e-mail addresses on a form to be notified when the offer would be back up and running.
When London's Crossrail is up and running, in about 2012, it will take about 45 minutes to get to Heathrow from the centre of London.
In 2014 when the new insurance exchanges are up and running employers will rapidly dump millions of workers who qualify for subsidies onto the exchange and leave them to fend for themselves.
When most or all of those are up and running, will your enterprise architecture and core systems be able to deliver the performance all of those game-changing business tools require?
FORBES: Oracle's Software on Silicon: 10 Reasons It'll Redefine Enterprise Computing
That will be nice when the networks capable of delivering those speeds are up and running - but I'm sceptical about whether "specs" really sell that many phones.
Sitting in her home in waning light, she is filmed in fixed-focus shots (the first one runs an hour and keeps running even when she gets up to go to the bathroom).
Some companies have tried to control risks by stocking up on plastics when they think the price will rise and running down inventories ahead of an expected fall.
Foss recalled waiting on the tarmac to take off from Tokyo, Japan, when a woman suddenly took off all her clothes and began running up and down the aisles.
The proof-of-concept computer won't give silicon circuits any threat when it's running at just 0.15Hz and takes up as much space as a mini fridge, but the hope is to dramatically speed up and shrink down future iterations to where there are advanced computers that occupy the same size as real muscles.
ENGADGET: Turing machine built from artificial muscles may lead to smart prosthetics
Because they suck up a lot of resources even when they're not actively running, and that slows down your work--ironically making it harder to finish quickly so you can get to the fun stuff.
When Sally stands up and drops her sheet, we see that there is a thick scar running down her torso.
Ankiel was the Cardinals' center fielder in May 2009 when he slammed into a fence at full speed on a running catch and ended up with whiplash and a shoulder injury.
"Even though he will not be a candidate this time around, I know he will still be in the running when it comes to speaking up for America's working families and making a positive difference for our country, " Clinton wrote.
They also brought forward the date when the permanent rescue mission, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), will be up and running.