And yet, what we learned was that when ordinary people come together -- (applause) -- when you believe in something so deeply that you're willing to talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors and talk to your co-workers, knock on doors and make phone calls -- when the American people decide what's right, then all that money doesn't matter.
Executives take note: When you begin to believe your own spin, you're in trouble.
The lesson: When you begin to believe your own spin, you're in trouble.
Nevertheless the power you get when believing in yourself is permanent and going to change your whole life once you believe in what you can do!
The first season of Flight was filmed in 2007, back in the day when much of social networking was in its infancy if you can believe it.
FORBES: 5 Entrepreneurial Lessons Taught By The Flight Of The Conchords
That's what happens when you seek consensus, when you go by summitry, instead of exercising clear leadership to do what you believe in.
"The same thing can be said when maybe the city doesn't believe in you, " Teixeira said.
What does it mean to believe in something that's larger than yourself when you're just starting your life?
When the grains and the ag stocks pull back, will you still believe in the long-term story strongly enough to hold on?
Do you think the Boehner is jumping the gun when he talks about repealing this, since you believe that this is all still in progress?
"Even when the meeting is over, something called role transference can occur and people may still truly believe that you are against the issue at hand, when in fact you may have been merely trying to get people to think more broadly or deeply, " Damiano says.
Claims to the contrary are only accurate if you believe that generic companies are dumb enough to settle even when they would win in court.
When you do use butter and heavy cream, and believe me you will and you should, use them in moderation.
Representative-Elect MURPHY: I believe so, because, you know, when you look at the other countries - we went in there and - to do two things.
You do not have to believe in the death of the author to know that, when transferring novels to films, the one character who is almost never successfully cast is the writer.
You tend to believe that anyone in the U.S. would understand, but when Katrina occurred a few years ago, few outside of New Orleans could relate to the devastation that occurred there, despite the extensive news coverage, until they met people who actually lived it.
Mr. GILLESPIE: And I think the fact is, you know, when a majority of voters aren't with you on a issue, you - if you don't believe in it, you shouldn't espouse it.
Sergeant BRAD NEIL (Arkansas National Guard): For me, it's a decision of whether or not, you know, when it comes time for me to re-up, which is in July, I believe, there's a lot of things that you got to consider.
And but, you know, in the broader philosophical approach, basically - and I didn't believe this when I started in the news business in the early 80s, but I believe that the news media plays a crucial role in our US national security and international affairs.