Why read a book on African Violets, when you can talk to an expert on them?
We'd love for you to come back when you can talk about it and confirm it for us.
It is much easier to strategize and brainstorm about solutions when you can freely talk about the problem.
You can tell when you meet them, when you talk to them, when you hear their stories.
When you have logged in with your Microsoft account then you can talk with your friends regardless if they're on Skype or Messenger.
ENGADGET: Skype for Windows Phone 8 official preview available now (video)
And you can add up the numbers on paper, but when you talk about wiping out the charitable deduction, it's not plausible.
At least when the juice goes out, you can still talk the old-fashioned way.
"When you talk about if this guy can pitch 215 innings, that means he is getting deep into games, and the only way to do that is by doing what he did today and that is pitching to contact, knowing you've got to get a strikeout but could get some easy outs, " Mets manager Terry Collins said.
For example, with messages, why click off to Google Talk or Google Voice when you can send Facebook messages (or text messages) direct through Facebook?
When you get to that number, then we can talk.
FORBES: Adam Carolla on the Occupy Movement, Millennials and Donald Trump
When you talk to someone in person, you can read them better by registering their expressions, gestures and other factors.
"When you actually walk amongst Columbia and you talk about the accident and you talk about the lessons learned and how you can do the best job you can do to help prevent this from ever happening again, that's very powerful, " Ciannilli said.
And when you talk about the working man, I think people can relate to yours truly as a guy who could easily prop up the bar in the local pub or rub shoulders with statesmen around the world.
When you talk about the interest of shareholders or some group you can lay your hands on it.
Can you talk about what kind of loss it will be for the White House when Rahm leaves and how you plan to deal with it?