But, like I said, that is in general - there are exceptions, and it's the times you get excellent service when you least expect it that you remember the most.
Ms. TATIANA MALIEKA (Manager, Caulideir): If you have a food which you remember you eat when you were a child, it give you some feeling of closeness, of comfort.
Any injury on tour is really frustrating, especially when you can't remember how it happened.
"When you hear Yousaf Ayub Khan speak, it makes you remember his grandfather, " said a villager, Sarfaraz Khan.
WSJ: Pakistani Candidates Hop Parties With Little Resistance
"The only way I can sum it up is like when you're trying to remember the name of a famous actor or film star and it's on the tip of your tongue, but you just can't get it, " he said.
Compare that with a television ad, which has to create such an impression that you remember it days later when you are shopping.
Remember when you were a kid and it's a cloudy day and you lie back in the grass and watch the clouds passing by and changing form and you're trying to see if they're characters or animals or other shapes?
When we were using the riser insertion tool, if you remember, when we started that they had to stop and reinsert it.
Though it really is a revolutionary scientific step, investors should remember how Provenge looks when you strip the gee-whiz factor away: it is just another expensive cancer treatment with a real but small benefit.
So when you see something similar to this surface in the May timeframe, just remember: you saw it here first.
It also explains why, for example, you recognize your car both when it's very dirty and very clean, and why you can remember where you parked your car today even though you had a different space yesterday.
You remember about a year ago, when it seemed the world had an insatiable thirst for oil, it couldn't have enough, you know, factories were going full out, we were driving and traveling.
Remember when you went to that Springsteen concert and it was three-fourths over and Bruce told them to throw the house lights on, and you looked around and there were thousands of Springsteen lunatics, sweaty and panting?
You remember when that bridge in Minnesota collapsed with all those people on it?
To recall a fact later, it helps to try and remember what you were doing when your brain first noted the fact.
So I want to ask you if it doesn't sound very familiar with - remember when I talked about the OIC? 2005?
Do you remember what the in the moment reaction was to the iPad when Jobs first released it?
FORBES: Tim Cook Should Stop Trying To Win Over Investors Through Speeches
You may remember Razer's Naga Hex mouse from last year, when it was introduced as a derivative of Razer's Naga MMO mouse, albeit with fewer buttons.
It won't be a seen as an essential upgrade - you may remember the head-scratching about what the iPad was for when it launched in April 2010 - but it will both exploit and further engender the loyalty of Apple's army of fans.
Just remember that hearing becomes listening only when you pay attention to what is said and follow it very closely.
Meanwhile, Grenaches remain the world's most undervalued great wines, wines that cause people to love you for your warmth and good taste, even when they can't remember what wine it was.
"It's not easy when your boyfriend says he doesn't remember you, " she said later.
Remember that when you plug in that electric car overnight, you are using COAL to power it!
FORBES: How Obama's Fuel Standards Are Shaping The Future of Transportation
But remember, the market can turn on a dime, and when it does, you don't want to be left out.
First, you're asking people to recall their cellphone usage seven years ago when they may not remember it from seven days ago.
And it was up, up, and away, ah, but it's right hard to remember that on a day like today when you're all argumentative, and you've got that face on.
If you remember watching the senate finance committee meetings not all that long ago when they were grilling the banks it was clear that no one on the committee actually understood finance, the basic notion of a mortgage, or even the business of the banks in question.
The app will remember all of your custom language settings when you upgrade, so you don't have to reteach it.
Remember that the time to process your return begins when it is accepted by IRS, not when you completed your return.
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You will remember - indeed, we discussed earlier - when he ran for president a long time ago, and it turned out that in his speech he used some of the material from a British Labour leader.