• The cynic in me thinks that GM was very leery of introducing the Volt in large numbers where it is cold.

    FORBES: Chevrolet: Where Federal Subsidies Run Deep

  • Either way, the CO2 must be put somewhere, for which strategies include pumping it into rocky formations (such as depleted oil and gas wells) at a pressure of 100 atmospheres, or even piping it in liquid form under pressure onto the sea-floor where it is cold enough and the pressure high enough that it is hoped the material will stay there, assisted by the formation of CO2-hydrate.

    FORBES: Carbon Capture And Storage: Yea Or Nay?

  • The evidence is from trees buried in the Eurasian tundra where it is too cold for them to grow today.

    FORBES: Drowning Polar Bears And the Return Of Ursus Bogus

  • "In states where heat and humidity is the norm, people may not realize they are vulnerable when it gets cold, " said Gerald McGwin, a professor of epidemiology at University of Alabama.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The last topic where the Germans offer Tory Eurosceptics cold comfort is on their idea that Britain, even if it actually left the EU, could negotiate the same type of free trade arrangement with it that Norway or Switzerland have.

    BBC: Germans united in regret over Britain's EU stance

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