This will ensure repayment where it is necessary, and lead to discipline where there have been inappropriate claims.
However, the further retention of the data should be allowed where it is necessary for historical, statistical and scientific research purposes, for exercising the right of freedom of expression, when required by law, or where there is a reason to restrict the processing of the data instead of erasing them.
The only state where it is not necessary to register in order to vote is North Dakota.
But I also know we are at a moment where it is absolutely necessary for us to get beyond those old debates.
In future, strip-searches should only be used where it "is necessary to prevent the risk of harm to the young person and others", they said.
"The decision was made that although the review was approved the officers would have the ability to monitor the situation and, where it is found necessary they could, in fact, alter the treatment, " he said.
The reason being that jobs are not always created where people live: it is thus necessary for people to move, sometimes, to where the jobs are.
"In some areas where the damage is the most extensive or where access is the most difficult, it could be several weeks before necessary repairs are completed and all customers are restored, " said Entergy Corp.
CNN: Company says it could take weeks to restore Gulf Coast power
"It is necessary to understand where this story will lead, and what its consequences will be for the international financial system and our interests, " he added.
Their hypothesis is that in places where disease is rampant, it behoves groups not to mix with one another more than is strictly necessary, in order to reduce the risk of contagion.
While the trademark pop video style that he used in Miami Vice and Heat worked well, it really is not necessary here, where audiences expect only to find out about Ali.
No exceptions are provided, unlike rules in other jurisdictions such as the EU where sharing customer information is permitted without consent if it is necessary to complete the sales contract between the customer and the company.
Clearly the situation needs to be just right: indeed, it needs to be a situation where the necessary skilled talent is in short to very short supply.
FORBES: Why A Low Share Price Can Be Better Than A High Share Price: Good News For Apple?
As the aforementioned story from The Wall Street Journal makes plain, housing, particularly during periods of economic uncertainty, keeps the very human capital necessary for our economic revival from traveling to where it is most needed.
And, while not reaching for the pepper spray yourself, create a culture in your business where nobody reaches for the pepper spray to resolve a problem unless it is absolutely necessary.
FORBES: PR and Pepper Spray: What the 99% Can Teach Companies
The complexity of the business environment, where the connection between cause and effect is so difficult to visualize, makes it necessary to admit mistakes, explained Levitt.
FORBES: Freakonomics Author On Healthcare, Debt, And Prostitutes
To see where Mr Blair believes the blame for Britain's failures really lies, it is necessary to forget the orator on the telly and read the text of the speech.
In an era where media and ICT are becoming the primary means of delivering information and knowledge, it is more than ever necessary to provide all citizens, especially youth, with the skills and abilities to critically analyze, use and create information.
Yet, current technology has attained a level of sophistication where it is reasonable for us to begin this effort....Isn't it worth every investment necessary to free the world from the threat of nuclear war?
When a pig is sick, most farmers quarantine it in a "treatment pen, " where antibiotics are given only when necessary.
The other area where analysts agree is that, brutal though it has been, Mr. Elop's radical restructuring of the company was necessary.