"I don't know whether I'm going to apply for a wildcard, " said Henry.
His then Tory shadow, David Melding was up front in his response: "I don't know whether I'm in shock or awe".
Because I thought was I just being made a fool of, and the third time I just wanted to know whether I was I going to be in there and come out in my coffin.
Pursuing that Barneys comparison (I don't know whether I made it clear that he considers his own shop Barneys and Maison Kayser Macy's, not vice versa), Mr. Payard has established a sort of self-service, cut out the middleman, ethos.
You know, before I got to the Senate a lot of people didn't know whether I could or would work with Republicans.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
Problem was, I did not actually know whether what I thought was my passion was just a hobby or could be a real career.
And I don't know whether - I guess, I have the sort of fantasy, you probably have more freedom as an international correspondents to sort of decide how you frame the campaign for your readers.
"I do not know whether we will win or lose, but if I do not fight today my children will accuse me of wasting an opportunity, " he said.
Only you and I know whether we are overachieving or underachieving because we establish the rules, set the target, and create the timeframe and deadlines in our own minds.
So I don't know whether Joe was referring to that, but I use that as a launching point to make a general point about these issues.
"I don't know whether it was out of respect for the church or anger or fear, I have no idea, " she said.
"I don't know whether they'll let him go or what the personal terms would be and whether I can afford to bring him in, " Jefferies told BBC Scotland.
All I know about you is your one-sentence question, so I don't know whether you are 12 years old and feeling depressed or are the mother of a 12-year-old who has depression.
I'll never know 100 per cent whether it was a detective, but I have my suspicions.
"I like Precheck, but it would be much more valuable to me if I were able to know before leaving for the airport whether or not I had Precheck approval for that day's flights, " said Beth Allen, a University of Minnesota economist and frequent traveler.
And I want to know whether those are tradeoffs that the White House is willing to make.
Instead I want to know whether you are a European Unionist or a British, Irish or indeed other kind of nationalist.
Still, I want to know whether the website domain is available and whether the name has already been registered with the state.
What he's saying is, I need to know whether there are other alternatives out there that are less painful, whether the parties can agree.
More specifically I wanted to know whether she hoped the government would deliver on its pledge to offer a free vote on repealing the hunting ban in this Parliament.
I--my interview was on the 9th, and I don't remember right now--I know I've testified to this--whether I found out that afternoon or it was on Monday that I got the informal offer.
CNN: Transcripts from video deposition of Lewinsky, Jordan, and Blumenthal
Having noticed adverts becoming more prominent in both the new newsfeed and in Facebook's various mobile apps, I wanted to know whether Ms Sandberg thought there was a danger of users reaching saturation point.
You know, they say I don't know, you know, whether the other company will ever be able to pay me back.
You've no idea what's going on and I didn't know whether to be aggressive or defensive.
BBC: McDowell missed out on the US Masters earlier this year
"I don't know whether it's going to hurt the economy or not, " Boehner said.
And I don't know whether REITs are going to get back to their previous peak in prices.
"I don't know whether Amazon will be able to compete with Apple head-to-head on hardware sophistication, " she said.
"I don't know whether it has caught me out but, for sure, experience is always an advantage, " said Hamilton.
And she--I don't know whether she got sucked under or--but she went underwater.
And to this day, I don't know whether that memorandum ever got to the president of the United States.