Through her travels in India, she felt helpless, not knowing whether or how to help.
CNN: Poverty tours: A learning experience or simply gawking?
It is up to the customer to decide whether or how to intervene.
FORBES: Drug Companies Need To Push For Medication Adherence
Jean Slutsky, director of the agency's Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness, said the research was undertaken because clinicians have indicated that uncertainly over the risks and benefits of NovoSeven for the off-label uses posed a dilemma on whether or how to use the drug.
But the meeting yielded no common ground on the chief issue on the table, whether, or how, to extend the soon-to-expire tax cuts pushed through by President George W Bush and the Republicans in 2001 and 2003.
Its algorithms can sort through more than 10 billion variables in seconds to decide whether, or how much, a client should spend to lock up an ad keyword.
Then there will be a chance for everyone to sit down and focus on the real issue, which is not whether to kill or translocate hedgehogs, but to see how to improve the breeding success of the dunlin and ringed plover on the Uist islands.
The big studios haven't agreed on how or whether to release gore-free and sex-free versions of popular DVDs.
Deciding how or whether to regulate markets inevitably forces us to trade off the costs and benefits of our regulatory alternatives.
FORBES: Should Little Caesars Be Forced to Tell Consumers How Many Calories Are in a Large Pizza?
Based on past experience, almost all will be extended after some debate about how or whether to pay for their budgetary cost.
They say it does not take in to account different approaches by councils, factors such as how many groups of siblings are waiting to be adopted in an area (they are harder to place), whether the adoptions last or how well children in care go on to do in their education.
This is what they have to deal with if they want even the most basic answers to the most basic questions like how to export to a new country or whether they qualify for a loan.
Participants discussed the evidence that was needed to determine whether or not principals meet these criteria and how they could be supported to be more effective.
The talks are about the detail of pension reform - whether to increase contributions or decrease benefits, whether to move to average instead of final salary pensions, how to phase in a move to a later retirement age etc.
We might debate which goals to set, or how to set them, but who would debate whether to set goals at all?
The first challenge was figuring out how to measure whether or not chemicals were blocking the integrase enzyme so that hundreds of different potential medicines could be tried out.
The key for investors is to determine whether or not the company is making the best decisions as to how to spend its cash balance.
The Committee sent letters to the companies Monday asking how long user data was stored and whether or not they planned to allay privacy concerns.
The AAP also supports teaching children how to swim, whether or not they have a pool at home.
FORBES: Why Doctors Should Not Ask Their Patients About Guns
How, or indeed whether, to tax the financial sector more is an argument that raging around at the moment.
FORBES: Taxing Bank Profits: I Wish People Would Understand This
The managers must make hundreds of active decisions each day concerning when to trade, what to trade, what to do with new cash, how to raise cash when needed, whether to use futures, swaps or other derivatives, etc.
The congressman have also asked PBS how much money is dedicated to Sesame Street, how much the new character will cost to introduce and whether or not it will feature in US editions of the series.
The decision of whether or not to observe a light particle affects how the light behaves beforehand.
People in same-sex marriages will have greater discretion over how, when, or whether to divulge this information.
The quick litmus test is whether you are focused on what to do or how something should be done.
As a private company, Facebook has not had to publish detailed accounts so it has not had to make public whether, or how much, profit it makes.
And has the administration sought at all the opinion of the Office of Legal Counsel at Department of Justice, as to how closely or whether or not the White House is in compliance with the War Powers Act?
Talk to your child's doctor about how often he or she should be tested to see whether eggs still cause symptoms.
He said companies could use the same technique to study how employees respond to different compensation schemes, for example, or whether they work harder if the company is involved in local charities.
FORBES: Chrysler Might Have Done Better Without Bailout, Study Says
Eurobarometer polls consistently put Britain at or near the bottom of the heap in answers to such questions as whether EU membership is a good thing or how much trust people have in the EU institutions (see chart).