But it is a document, a big, fat document, that means you, I, charities, other governments, opponents, supporters, patients, teachers, parents, anyone with an axe to grind or a point to make can check whether what the government is doing is helping solve Wales' problems, or whether their intervention is having little or no, effect.
But I believe it is extraordinary he did nothing to make public all the information which FIFA had or has, and took no steps whether internally or via the courts to enable FIFA to obtain reparation.
They indicate only whether patients have had treatment or no longer require it (for example, because they're dead), not whether that treatment has been successful.
In future, Mr Cameron said the Conservatives would publish details of all meals with donors, whether at No 10 or Chequers, as well as a register of all meetings with those who have given money.
BBC: David Cameron publishes list of all donors dining at No 10
And the price of gold, or the politics in Washington, have no impact on whether or not Shanghai locals are going to buy smartphones and go to Baidu to search, and Sina and Tencent sites to maintain relationships with friends.
Super-conduction occurs when the conductor of electricity, whether big or small, has no resistance.
His assessment: He had no idea whether or not she was telling the truth.
Whether it was or not, no one will ever know other than him, but it was at least good hearing that.
So far, the audience has no idea whether or not this character can stand up to pressure or will go to pieces.
In the first test, Pickens was presented with a series of nouns and had to click a "yes" or "no" button to indicate whether he thought they were living or nonliving things.
It has no bearing on whether or not the economy returns to full employment.
It makes no difference whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge of a government-run health care system.
But there has so far been no decision on whether or not these recommendations will be accepted.
Additionally, no word on whether or not it will be made available at a future date for non-preorders.
FORBES: 'BioShock Infinite: Mind in Revolt' Prequel eBook Announced as Bonus
The answer, according to Cowen, is no, because whether or not celebrities have attended college is rarely known, much less discussed.
The idea is that people can immediately find out whether they have the flu or have no illness at all.
FORBES: Scan Your Temple, Manage Your Health With New Futuristic Device
Holder emphasized he has made no decisions about whether or when any of the 241 remaining Guantanamo detainees may be moved.
CNN: Holder: Suspected Gitmo terrorists won't be freed in U.S.
But when the opposite condition exists, when inflation is low, equity -- whether private or public -- has no trouble finding buyers.
You might debate whether it is a good idea or whether it would really work, but there is no question about its coherence.
Whether Jesus was gay or straight in no way affects who he was and what he means for the world today, Oestricher writes.
Super PAC PAC involvement should result in little or no backlash, whether in the form of negative publicity, product boycotts, downward stock price, etc.
Normally, a will is prepared by an experienced estate planning attorney and leaves no question of whether or not it is intended to be a will.
There's no issue of whether or when for broadband streaming.
WSJ: Your Sister's Sister | Rock of Ages | A Small, Vivid Gem | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
The ENISA report therefore makes no comment on whether or not the right to the protection of personal data should be absolute, this was not the purpose of the study.
FORBES: The EU's 'Right To Be Forgotten': What Data Protections Are We Missing in the US?
When co-generating heat and electricity, solid oxide fuel cells can reach combined efficiencies upwards of 85%, which is excellent, but no word yet whether or not the Bloom fuel cell will co-generate heat.
FORBES: The Economics of Bloom Energy's 'Breakthrough' Fuel Cell
The administration has also made no decision about whether or how it will replace the B-52 bomber, which first flew in 1952, and under current plans will continue to fly until possibly 2037.
The digital divide is no longer about whether or not a rural farmer has an online connection in his hut, but is part of the overall development divide: improving the quality of rural peoples' lives relies in part on access to, and the use of, new technologies to communicate.
Moreover, it can reportedly "reprogram the steering ratio and amplify the intensity and quickness of the steering response" to keep motorists safe, but there's no word on whether or not a retinal scanner add-on will be available to automatically adjust user preferences depending on which driver hops in the seat.
ENGADGET: Lexus LS600hL's face detection camera, warning system get spied
Notably, there was no word on whether or not the phone was saved, or more importantly, whether or not the presumably urgent SMS ever got sent -- but considering this is the second case in a matter of days in which a human being nearly lost their life to a cellphone, we beg you: text responsibly, dear friends.
ENGADGET: Woman plummets onto subway tracks while carelessly texting
But whether he learned that or whether he was born with that, I have absolutely no clue.