In short, we go to great lengths to know potential customers before deciding whether or not to do business with them.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: UBS adopts new anti-terror policies
If you have two or three industries tentatively targeted, decide whether or not you want to do banks.
FORBES: New York's FinTech Innovation Lab Links Startups To Big Banks
He added that it was not up to the Lord Advocate or the health minister to decide whether or not to hold an inquiry, insisting they were obliged to do so under Article 2.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Hep C campaign launches legal bid
So the empowerment zone says they are going to try to keep those local businesses here but it's really a matter of time and whether or not they are able to do that.
Money does not, to reiterate, have anything whatsoever to do with whether or not we can support retirees, how many they can be, or how much they can have.
It will now be up to each state to determine whether or not they wish to accept this government largess and may do so without threat of losing what they currently receive from the federal government should they opt out of expansion.
FORBES: Who Do You Think Is Benefitting From Medicaid? You May Be Surprised
"I think there is skepticism whether or not this is a good thing to do in the long run, " he said.
CNN: U.S. generals gauge where fight in Afghanistan is headed
Democratic leadership sources admit that whether or not they can ultimately do anything to change the way across-the-board cuts are enacted will depend on the level of public outcry -- and media coverage.
By the time they have decided who they want to hire, whether based upon merit or political considerations, they do not want to be told the firm they have chosen is lying to them.
FORBES: SEC Takes Action Against Pension Advisers Callan and Yanni (September 25, 2007 )
What must be proven in a rape case has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not the victim became pregnant.
The fact that 95% of patients have insurance, even if true, has nothing to do with whether or not genes should be patented.
But what we're not going to do is give a daily or hourly assessment of whether or not progress is being made, or what specific items are being discussed, because we don't think that's fruitful or helpful towards achieving the goal that we think we all share, which is reaching a compromise that Congress can pass and the President can sign into law.
"I think people are concerned, not so much about whether this is fair or not, but the way the government's chosen to do it is almost the most complicated route they could have chosen, " she said.
BBC: Child benefit cuts lead thousands of parents to 'opt out'
Countries that have not yet decided on whether or not to sign the treaty may be convinced to do so.
FORBES: Requiem for Failed UN Telecom Treaty: No One Mourns the WCIT
Now, who ultimately determines whether it's legal to do this or not?
Still your choice as to whether you do it or not.
FORBES: Fukuyama's Latest Nonsense and Why Karl Marx Was Right
The fear of losing money causes us to be sensitive to any indication that a correction is coming, whether we intend to do anything about it or not.
But, of course, it makes me very sad because to see him four months ago I didn't know whether he would be able to do it or not.
Your employer is not going to tell you whether you should do an in-plan Roth conversion or not.
FORBES: Roth 401(K) Conversions For All Thanks To Fiscal Cliff Deal
Money was useful, but not entirely important: the sheer will needed to actually do something seemed to make it possible, whether it was expensive or not.
And it will be a question for all 100 members of the Senate to ask themselves about whether or not they think that voting for and supporting an assault weapons ban would actually do something to reduce gun violence in communities all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
The company has agreed to do this to determine whether or not that can be delivered.
Whether Woodson gives Thomas a chance or not, he needs to do something.
Whether or not there is another Asian crisis, companies need to do as Ayala is doing: gear up for global competition.
"We have some work to do on our bridges whether or not this accident happened, and we have some discussions in Olympia" -- the state capital -- "about making sure that we make investments in bridges to prevent this kind of thing from happening, " he told reporters.
What's more likely, is that he's just going to solidify his position of being the front runner in pledged delegates, but there will be other issues to resolve, superdelegates, what do you do with Michigan and Florida, whether or not the Pennsylvania primary might be brought in to in some sense or another, reverse the momentum.
Whether or not managers do so successfully for retail investors is yet to be seen.
So the question is not whether or not we do something about it -- we have to do something about it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Housing and the Economy
Community councils take part in consultations during the planning process although, of course, they do not decide whether to reject or accept plans.