What we care about is whether you can do the job.
BBC: Introducing Cameronism
This is where you guys come in, again, putting down the cell phones and thinking of creative things that you care about, whether it's getting your parents to do the Electric Slide or doing Dance, Dance Revolution.
WHITEHOUSE: Let's Move Rally in Jackson, Mississippi
Are you saying that you favor, oppose, or you don't care about whether or not the executive branch is covered?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
What people care about is whether or not you can help them.
FORBES: The Education of an Entrepreneur, Episode 1: The Story of Rose Cole
And then you have to have characters that they care about, whether they like them or not.
FORBES: Magazine Article
It's about your jobs, your health care, whether you can afford to send your children to college, whether you'll be able to withstand the pressure of the rising interest rates on a home foreclosure that might come your way, and whether we're going to once again be proud of our country, and our leadership, and our moral authority in the world.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
Mr. TOM DALL (Retiree): And every time I hear the guy address complicated issues, he has the ability to take a complicated issue, simplify, get to its core, and I don't care whether it's about immigration or Social Security or, you know, world or world economy.
NPR: GOP's Giuliani Hopes for a Breakthrough in Florida