Homeowners, which is more important to your well-being, replacing the windows or replacing the mortgage?
That depends on which is more important: a good management strategy or good customers.
It involves targeting a molecule which is more important for cancer cells than for their healthy counterparts.
Rachel was amazing, and she's a really sweet kid, which is more important.
Which is more important to them, though, was not clear until Dr Jiao and his colleagues began their research.
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Yet, on the other hand, Islam has a compulsory tax, which is more important than the tax in the United States.
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Of course, this begs the question: Which is more important -- rising an hour early to squeeze in a morning workout, or savoring that extra time in bed?
He says that judge would "impose a balancing test" to determine which is more important, the government's desire to find the information or the robust freedom of the press.
With this solution, employees will be able to synchronize files between the Workshare platform and any mobile device, which is more important than ever in our age of BYOD.
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Some of the most innovative entrepreneurs are working with mobile telephony, which is even more important in China than it is in the West.
ECONOMIST: India and China are creating millions of entrepreneurs
The second reason, which is even more important in the long run, is to make me happy and to want to remain buying and loyal to their brand!
Which is the more important in building the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators?
But for major corporations who have expendable income sure but dont they all ready have name recognition and once again your missing the local aspect which is way more important on YouTube.
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However, if you change strategy and start developing your own content as a thought leader, you have a short-term gain and you help build your long-term brand, which ultimately is more important.
And - which is the more important trend - German businesses are becoming less and less reliant on selling to eurozone countries and are becoming more and more successful in selling to China and the leading emerging markets.
We have to understand this disease, and we're, really, for the first time beginning to get inside the cell and understand the genetic issues, understand the real causes of cancer, and from that will come our potential for making this disease go away, or not get it, which is even more important.
Is there a way to have the system better understand which of these is more important to me?
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The top concern in the survey is the business environment which financiers said is getting more important and tougher.
But Mr Obama had little to say on this Afghan surge, which is arguably even more important than the American one.
Another, which I think is more important, is that the rheumatologists on the panel wanted to keep an option for treating arthritis.
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Or which digital platform is more important than another in a category.
We ranked the list's vehicles based on what it costs to fuel them per year, according to the EPA. We measured cars by fueling cost because the EPA lists two gas-mileage figures per car, city and highway mileage, and we did not want to make an arbitrary decision about which mileage figure is more important.
Diverse student bodies allow for a more global perspective in the classroom and more emphasis on global business in the curriculum, which is becoming more and more important to prospective employers and applicants.
But Israel needs the US to deal with Iran's nuclear programme - and that is an issue which Mr Netanyahu himself has said is more important than any other facing Israel.
But what is striking is that there is another market, the provision of credit to small businesses, which many would say is far more important to the UK's future wealth-creating prospects than the housing market and where the banks are even more reluctant to take risks.
But the second, which I would argue is more important, is this raises a character issue.
There's another thing, which you might call the "taking the horse to water" problem, and which the banks think is more important.
Americans have unrealistic expectations about what law enforcement can do in a society in which personal freedom is deemed more important than public safety.