Which is the more important in building the next generation of entrepreneurs and innovators?
And - which is the more important trend - German businesses are becoming less and less reliant on selling to eurozone countries and are becoming more and more successful in selling to China and the leading emerging markets.
The second reason, which is even more important in the long run, is to make me happy and to want to remain buying and loyal to their brand!
In regards to the second issue, which in the long run is probably the more important one, calls for a new and tighter regulation are becoming stronger by the day.
Yet, on the other hand, Islam has a compulsory tax, which is more important than the tax in the United States.
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"Those common principles allow us to effectively work together, " he said, responding to the never-ending speculation about which one of the duo is more important and whether a rift between them is possible.
The IMF has been criticised in the past as being a group of developed countries trying to lay down the law to struggling countries, which is why the decision to give growing nations more votes is important.
But what is striking is that there is another market, the provision of credit to small businesses, which many would say is far more important to the UK's future wealth-creating prospects than the housing market and where the banks are even more reluctant to take risks.
There's another thing, which you might call the "taking the horse to water" problem, and which the banks think is more important.
Diverse student bodies allow for a more global perspective in the classroom and more emphasis on global business in the curriculum, which is becoming more and more important to prospective employers and applicants.
The interesting questions now concern how nature and nurture interact to produce particular bits of biology, rather than which of the two is more important (see article).
Four Republicans with the Conservative endorsement, which is important to attract more votes in the face of growing Democratic enrollment, crossed the aisle to support Cuomo's same-sex marriage proposal.
The NFL's annual showcase for the country's top college seniors may be the only game in which the outcome is considered an afterthought, the practices are more important than the game itself and the coaches and scouts outnumber the players by at least five to one.
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Interestingly, the tone of an article in today's FT by Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF, seems to imply that stimulating short-term growth is now perceived by the IMF to be more important than immediate deficit reduction - which is not quite the same message as that of the British Chancellor, George Osborne, in his newspaper article of the previous day.
He says that judge would "impose a balancing test" to determine which is more important, the government's desire to find the information or the robust freedom of the press.
Nobel committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland told the audience that in the current economic crisis "the political framework in which the union is rooted is more important than ever".
The news release also does not say how many different subsets of patients were analyzed, which is particularly important because the more subsets you analyze, the more you are likely to have a positive result merely by chance.
The miss is likely to result in a new round of hand-wringing about the health of the mobile ad market, which is important for more or less every content company on the Web.
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Is there a way to have the system better understand which of these is more important to me?
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Furthermore, new developments in the field of microbiology seem to suggest that the mare lineage may be fare more important than the sire which is the opposite operating approach to breeding taken by most breeders.
Some of the most innovative entrepreneurs are working with mobile telephony, which is even more important in China than it is in the West.
ECONOMIST: India and China are creating millions of entrepreneurs
There is first key support now at 1.83%, which is the mid-January low with more important 1.67%.
But Mr Obama had little to say on this Afghan surge, which is arguably even more important than the American one.
Of course, this begs the question: Which is more important -- rising an hour early to squeeze in a morning workout, or savoring that extra time in bed?
But for major corporations who have expendable income sure but dont they all ready have name recognition and once again your missing the local aspect which is way more important on YouTube.
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But as we still count the cost of the 2007-8 banking crisis, there is something much more important at stake - which is whether governments and regulators have made a fundamental error in the way they reacted to that crisis.
The top concern in the survey is the business environment which financiers said is getting more important and tougher.
Another, which I think is more important, is that the rheumatologists on the panel wanted to keep an option for treating arthritis.
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Another poll, which is seen by the main political parties as far more important, will invite approval for the establishment of regional assemblies.
As the head of Google's antiwebspam team, he's rewriting the complex set of rules for ranking Web pages based on their relevance to a given query, which is the company's DNA, its single most important product and a trade secret more closely guarded than the recipe for Coke.