Sameh Otri from Cardiff University's School of Social Science is one of the researchers working on the project, which is due to end in October.
Security and humanitarian concerns are all part of one project, which is to create a world in which people see enough opportunity that they end up sharing our interest in maintaining order.
Once that stabilization began to take hold, he turned towards the task of reducing our deficit, which he believes is also a worthy and necessary goal when it is part of the overall project, the overall number-one priority which is growth and job creation.
John Robinson, is one of the volunteers for the Tees Valley Christian Charities Forum which is behind the project.
One of those is ECOtality, which manages the EV Project, an initiative to get the electric car movement reborn.
One is "Project Independence, " which late last month began a national petition drive to collect 1, 776, 000 signatures by July 4 to try to pressure Congress to pass reform legislation.
The Birmingham project is one of eight large casinos which have been approved by the Casino Advisory Panel.
One aim of the project is to collect information which will help the WAG understand the impact of home composting on the overall amount of waste sent to landfill sites.
One project is trying to carry the viral fragments which should trigger the immune response within another virus, called a parvovirus.
One of the main features of the project is its CCD cameras which were produced in Belfast and can operate in conditions of very low light.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Scientists seek unknown planets
One project expected to get less support is Google Health, which lets people store medical records and other health data on Google's servers, said people familiar with the matter.
The project is one of several large-screen technologies under development by Microsoft which it believes will become more common both at work and home in the future.
So one company that has found a nice balance is Clarizen, which is a provider of cloud-based project management tools.
The Reinventing Michigan project is similar to one I directed at the University of Nevada, Reno, which produced Reinventing Reno.
FORBES: Small Towns, Big Cities Search For Clues To Reinvent Michigan
One such project is the Ultralounge exhibition space on the London store's lower ground floor, which marries innovative art with a pop sensibility.
The Government, which has had to take a close interest in the troubled project, has previously announced that securing funding is the one remaining criteria to be fulfilled.