David is keen on health issues, which stems from his job as an occupational therapist.
It also entails open-ended and murky exposure to legal liability, much of which stems from reporting requirements imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Lee (who recently offered to leave the company) and President Sheaffer Lee have been named as defendants in the insider trading case against BenQ, which stems mainly from the company's mangled acquisition of Siemen AG's mobile phone business.
ENGADGET: BenQ's chairman and president charged in Taiwan, out on bail
It also stated that the U.S. has been less interested in supplying industrial equipment, which stems in part from fears of its companies losing their competitive advantages if expertise is also exported.
FORBES: The Relationship Between Japanese And Chinese Economies
The decision, which allows impacted users to file compensatory claims, stems from a 2008 - 2009 incident in which a private German citizen incurred a loss of phone, fax and internet service over a two month period.
ENGADGET: In Germany, internet service providers pay you! (for loss of service)
The order, which Potashner says SonicBlue will fight, stems from what is an otherwise routine matter of "discovery, " the process by which two sides in a lawsuit exchange evidence before going to trial.
But there are nevertheless lots of interactions between Native Americans and the IRS. Some of it stems from gaming, which can be quite profitable.
He believes some of the confusion stems from the haste with which CDOs were slapped together during the boom.
The rationale behind this decision ultimately stems from Saudi Arabia, which has been producing a staggering 9.9 million bpd in May.
Much of this stems from the manner in which Kevin Rudd was deposed and her subsequent failure to win a mandate at last year's federal election.
The case stems from an incident in which Yettaw -- a 53-year-old former military serviceman from Falcon, Missouri -- swam across a lake to Suu Kyi's home and stayed for two days.
Another problem stems from the high regard in which police officers are held.
ECONOMIST: Second-guessing the police is a hazardous business
Bowe's prison term, set to start on Friday, stems from a 1998 incident in which he abducted his then-wife Judy.
It stems from a law in 1997 which bust Maroc Telecom's monopoly.
Parkinson's disease stems from damage to nerve cells, which results in decreased production of the brain chemical dopamine.
CNN: New patch may control Parkinson's symptoms better - Sept. 3, 1996
The row stems from a 2005 court case in which Toshiba was found guilty of stealing Lexar's trade secrets.
This approach, he argues, stems from a belief in efficient-market theory which states, at its simplest, that prices reflect all available information.
Microsoft's influence stems from the dominance of its Windows operating system, which runs over 90% of the world's desktop computers.
The BBC correspondent in Washington says the lawsuit stems from an investigation by a US television network, which claims that CIA communications contradict Mr Kissinger's version of events.
Which is logical: In one sense, Patagonia's current success stems from classic business-school principles.
WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru
All of this stems from the bitter separation of Stagg and Katcher, which Forbes covered in 2009.
The current crop, which also includes groups such as Red Bucket films and Waverly Films, stems from a steep downturn in the independent-film market in 2008.
WSJ: The Groups Behind 'Beasts of the Southern Wild' and More
But the problem stems from the poor state of Kazakhstan's agriculture, which has declined since the country became independent on the break-up of the Soviet Union.
An enthusiasm for immigration, which has included advocating an amnesty for some illegal migrants, stems as much from his family tree as from his position as mayor of London.
ECONOMIST: Boris Johnson is equipped with a reality-distortion field
The charge, only the second one made against a state for its public pension disclosures, stems from a new focus on the municipal bond industry, which has historically received far less scrutiny than the private sector.
FORBES: SEC's Move Against Illinois Stems From Its New Focus On Munis
It all stems from a gas leak at a chemical plant in Rouen, which is more than 60 miles north west of Paris.
The reason is simple and stems from the constitutional question that arose from a federal program in which all citizens were required to participate.
The origin of the project stems from a dream Huibers said he had in 1992, in which the low-lying Netherlands was flooded by the North Sea.
The pressure stems from fears that ratings firms may downgrade Lehman's debt, which could force Lehman to put up more collateral and cause some counterparties to walk away.
Her awareness of the political, health, socioeconomic and environmental conditions stems from her membership, since 1996, of the Development Studies Center which is responsible for publishing the yearly national document of relevance.