One has no debt on its balance sheet while the other one is debt heavy.
One passage, labeled with a white card, contained a reward while the other one, labeled with a black card, led to an electrical shock.
FORBES: Flawed remuneration: Large bonuses can be counter-productive
One of the two men held in connection with the incident has been remanded to judicial custody, while the other one is being brought to Delhi from Bihar, where he was arrested on Monday.
One of the employees was a lower-level worker while the other was higher-ranked, said one congressional aide, but the committee did not release their names or titles.
Lawyers representing the federal government and other plaintiffs sat on one side, while the BP lawyers and other companies' lawyers sat across the room.
In Vermont, roughly half of the attendees already owned a Porsche car, while the other half were like one attendee named Nick: rabid enthusiasts of varying Porsche experience.
Balotelli, driving his Bentley at the time, escaped unhurt, while a passenger from one of the other vehicles involved was taken to hospital as a precaution, according to police.
Ms. Sobhany, the disc jockey, says she has become an expert at quickly wiping down one iPad while the other handles the music-playing.
Excerpt: I could hear two women in the adjoining stall, one barfing up her dinner while the other offered encouraging comments.
He says people can use that one while the other commode is being fixed.
Abandoning the plan to fit the "catapults and traps" needed by the F35-C to one of the carriers while mothballing the other, opened up the possibility that both could eventually become operational, it argued.
Three of the races went to incumbents who were relative short-timers -- two Republicans and one Democrat -- while two Democrats and one Republican picked up the other three, all open seats.
The difference in graphics is because one is an iPhone App while the other is an Xbox Live Arcade title.
FORBES: Indie Game 'Splosion Man Ripped off by Corporate Giant Capcom
One trick they employed was for two people to set off across the field, then one person ducks into the hide while the other walks on.
Your thumbs naturally find their place hovering above the virtual decks, but the unit it plenty light enough that you can hold it with one hand, while using the other for more dexterous performance manoeuvres.
They're of dubious military value, and the UK Government is saving money by delaying the in-service date of one by six years, while mothballing the other.
However, it has been suggested that the English and American bids could join forces, with one targeting the 2018 tournament while the other focuses on 2022.
Another drill involves dribbling two balls simultaneously: one of which is a normal ball while the other weighs three pounds (more than double the weight of a normal one and also far less bouncy).
Enabling one while gagging the other is keeping manners from catching up with technology.
One speeds while the other preens about caution, but the bus veers relentlessly towards an abyss.
FORBES: Cut Spending By Returning To Founding Principles Of Federalism
Denver offensive tackle Ryan Clady is also without a contract, while the six other tagged players signed their one-year offers.
Having more than one processor makes devices more efficient as one core can focus on one task while the other core handles another.
The most obvious difference between a yeast and a nematode is that one is single-celled while the other is multi-cellular.
ECONOMIST: The first complete DNA sequence of an animal is now in the bag
The Dutch commander, Justin of Nassau, bowing as he proffers the key to the city, raises his head, surprised, to meet the eyes of Spinola, who touches him on the shoulder with one hand while dangling a mace of command in the other.
Two of the PAs can treat patients at one clinic while Dr. James is at the other.
Some of the scenes are surprisingly troubling, including one moment when a dog nearly drowns while the other animals turn away from him.
The LEGO deal is a pure licensing one, and while the company is looking at other potential deals where they would license the Minecraft brand, they are being careful so as not to dilute the brand.
Nephew Emil grapples with a bull, yanking it by the antlers with one hand while taking a call on his mobile with the other.
The goggles allowed one eye to see only the falling objects, while the other eye could see only the blocks that accumulate on the ground in the game.
BBC: Playing Tetris video game 'fixes lazy eye', doctors say
To the amazement of safety officials, Freudenberg evidently sent several text messages with one hand while flying the helicopter with the other.