Penalties for kidnapping, theft and white-collar crime were also toughened, with longer jail terms prescribed.
Although it also attracts a large number of low-skill migrants, Houston has considerably expanded its white-collar workforce.
Starting in 1992, the company cut 91 of the mill division's 526 white-collar jobs.
For Six years I lectured about my own white-collar crime at universities across the country.
They left the government to become white-collar defense attorneys defending guys like Harrington and Mandell.
When a white-collar felon, or any felon, returns to society they are often viewed with skepticism.
Many a garden-variety white-collar criminal has done serious time for far less egregious behavior.
The FBI sprung me from prison and had me participate in a seminar on white-collar crime.
Over 95% of adult Kuwaitis work for the government, usually in white-collar civil-service jobs.
Have you noticed more white-collar felons stating that they have drug problems prior to sentencing?
White-Collar Crime Clothing is less than two years old but they are picking up steam.
The White-Collar Crime logo on a hat is a must-have for the Harvard Club squash courts.
Our white-collar professionals are beginning to understand it, as their jobs start disappearing also.
Sentencing guidelines now serve to promote many years behind bars for convicted white-collar criminals.
Could this lead to an amnesty (limited amnesty) program for would be white-collar criminals?
Federal prosecutors have a very high success rate when it comes to white-collar cases.
There is a movement afoot for more creative, and hopefully more effective, punishments for white-collar crime.
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Later he worked briefly at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom, defending accused white-collar criminals.
White-Collar Crime Clothing continues to innovate and produce quality styles that go beyond the prison theme.
In the U.S., 2, 000 white-collar jobs would be cut, along with 9, 000 UAW jobs.
In all three areas of white-collar work, companies are struggling to manage growing complexity.
The devices that came up again and again, though, spoke directly to everyday white-collar frustrations.
Renren also has a strong following among white-collar workers in their late 20s and early 30s.
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They are highly educated and generally have worked in white-collar jobs, both markers for longer life.
L. in Tampa, Florida whose practice includes white-collar crime, securities law, and financial litigation.
While in private practice, Hostin specialized in the litigation of employment, securities and white-collar criminal.
White-collar criminals have conservative, religious families, supportive, sacrificing parents and everything handed to them, too.
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Corporate Resolutions Inc. is staffed with former federal agents, forensic experts and white-collar investigators.
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He found it in the queues of white-collar expatriates outside pricey Chinese restaurants in Jeddah.
Mexico needs to reform its law enforcement at all levels, from petty thieves to white-collar corruption.