Not until the 53rd-minute dismissal of Faye did another ray of hope break through the red-and-white storm enveloping the Blues.
The sad fact is that state regulators cannot hope to police adequately white-collar crimes that are perpetrated through WATS lines and computers.
What the hope-they're-white crowd really wishes for is a reason to treat their domestic political adversaries as enemies of the state.
And White plans to further strengthen the first-team squad in the hope of mounting a challenge next summer for a first Championship title since 1973.
Israel may be taking hope from the success of another fugitive from justice for white-collar crime, Jacob "Kobi" Alexander.
"Slightly soapy odd palate - hope it comes round, " they remark of a particular white Burgundy in 2008.
We hope to offer a glimpse into that (from our alive-white-male point of view) when we put together a sophisticated introductory list, available across various formats.
Frohnhoefer's biggest hope lies in bundling memberships with boatmakers like Genmar Holdings and Grady-White Boats, which this year will have brought in 12, 000 new customers.
Next year archaeologists hope to open to the public Augustus's mausoleum - once a monument in white travertine marble that is now an overgrown ruin.
Dawson, King's centre-half partner at White Hart Lane, has been rewarded for a tremendous season and will now hope to add some senior caps to his 13 under-21 appearances.
Arizona Gov. Fife Symington held out hope that the White House could be convinced that National Guardsmen should be used to re-open the park, which he argued is essential to his state.
Investigators from the FBI and U.S. Postal Inspection Service in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in Texas hope that a reward announced Wednesday may help locate the individual who has now sent an estimated 380 white-powder envelopes since he first began his annoying practice in 2008.
Bush and Obasanjo were scheduled to retire to the White House shortly after the Rose Garden announcement to discuss a wide variety of issues -- most notably Bush's hope to convince OPEC to boost its daily per-barrel production of crude oil, as the U.S. anticipates a supply shortage heading into the summer.