Manson and his followers believed the Beatles' "White Album" predicted such an apocalyptic war, Sequeira told the panel.
He recorded his debut album in the studio next door to the Fab Four while they recorded The White Album.
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On the album chart, "Abbey Road" led all other Beatles releases at No. 12, followed by "The White Album" and the box set.
CNN: 'Abbey Road,' 'Let it Be' climbing iTunes charts
The newspaper said The Beatles's songs had shown an extraordinary capacity for survival and the White Album album remained a "magical musical anthology".
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Yet his eclectic career encompassed much more, including a silk screen of the arrest of Mick Jagger, the cover of The Beatles' so-called White Album (1968) and a computer he designed himself.
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Even the simple act of firing up your PMP can send you to the floor in tears if you discover your earbuds are in the wrong way, forever ruining the beautiful stereo trickery of The White Album.
ENGADGET: Self-aware headphones switch channels depending on which ear they're in (video)
However, the re-release of his back catalogue on CD reminded the public of the strength of his work, and 1993's Black Tie, White Noise album saw him return to the spotlight.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Bowie: Pop's most enduring star
Knowing that Doiron draws from personal experiences with people and places for inspiration, it is fitting that she chose to record I Can Wonder What You Did With Your Day at a leisurely pace in a "beautiful area in rural Ontario" at the home of Rick White, who plays bass and drums on the album.
NPR: Julie Doiron: 'Heavy Snow'
The White Stripes covered her 1948 track "Conquest" on their 2007 album Icky Thump.
CNN: Patti Page, 'Tennessee Waltz' singer, dead at 85
At 16, Ms. Demeulemeester fell in love with the album cover of the American singer's 1975 debut solo album "Horses, " featuring a black-and-white photo of Ms. Smith wearing a plain white shirt and black suspenders.
WSJ: Deconstructing Designer Ann Demeulemeester
Ms. Broackes's own Bowie highlights include a 1974 Terry O'Neill photograph of David Bowie with Beat writer William S. Burroughs (hand-colored by Bowie), the Alexander McQueen jacket from his 1997 "Earthling" album cover and the mannered starkness of Mr. Bowie's Thin White Duke garb from 1976.
WSJ: Bowie Is Back | 'David Bowie Is' at the V&A