Not only was the president included in the correspondence but all top White House staff such as then-White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and Vice President Al Gore's chief of staff.
Is the President or the White House concerned at all about losing two such influential allies in the media?
Ms. Van de Velde helped handle much of the furniture and finishes, choosing to go all white with splashes of color, such as a circular purple chair, a purple-and-gray rug with a tiled pattern and hot pink-and-royal blue wallpaper.
For nearly two-thirds of the Somali population, those born after 1990, such black-and-white images are all they can know of the pre-war city once ranked among Africa's most attractive.
"It was such a sick feeling to see all of those white bellies floating in there, " Eason recalls.
For all the white paper's talk of modernisation, Britain ducks such change.
Early indications suggest that both the White House and congressional leaders are eschewing such a fiscal free-for-all.
These districts suit not only black and Latino Democrats, who easily win election in such enclaves, but also conservative white Republicans, who win in all the contiguous places from which the minorities have been gerrymandered out.
ECONOMIST: Congressional redistricting: Tinkering time | The
Of course, the White House has prudently denied that secret negotiations with Tehran over such talks are underway at all.
In general, white-fleshed fish, such as cod, tilapia, or flounder, are low in all types of fat, including omega-3s.
The white top seems to be see-through which will no doubt cause all sorts of issues with undergarments such as bras and vests being visible, as well as care labels.
BBC: London 2012: Will the Olympic Games be a stylish affair?
Scott says such a plan would require unprecedented leadership from the White House, Congress and, most of all, the FCC because it's likely to face vigorous opposition from cable and telecom companies.
FOCA. And even when all these things are set out in the black-and-white of a prospectus, Formula One seems such a personal business that there must be doubts about whether Mr Ecclestone's company could outlast its inventive founder.
Reid and the White House are pushing hard for expanding background checks to all gun purchases to close a loophole that exempts private sales, such as transactions at gun conventions.
CNN: Reid to force a vote Thursday on debating gun proposals