From the glossy magazines lining the shelves, dozens of smiling white American faces stare out.
The FBI in Dallas and Washington would not comment on whether the individual is the same one who early this year sent white-powder envelopes to dozens of members of Congress.
Two days later, in the capital of Khartoum, we walked the streets, rode a city bus to the confluence of the Blue and White Niles, chatted with dozens of Sudanese, and, after dark, found a street-food stall for a meal of goat, eaten with our fingers as per local custom.
As the hearses came to a halt, relatives placed dozens of red, white and blue flowers on top of the vehicles and comforted each other.
But when you look a little closer, you see dozens of men in white hazmat suits stuffing soiled material into plastic bags, which are then piled onto all-terrain vehicles and taken off the beach.
Cheshire chemical company Ineos is supplying dozens of emergency lorry loads of white salt to authorities including Gloucestershire, Bradford and East Riding of Yorkshire.
Over the years, until his retirement in 1964, Sundbloom went on to paint dozens of large, red-and-white clad Santas guzzling Coca-Cola.
When I looked at le carte des vins at La Tupina, a roadside restaurant, I surfed dozens of wines, both red bordeaux and white bordeaux that I had never heard of despite my extensive cellar and wine library.
Next day, near the Notre Dame Cathedral (I was beginning to blame the Frenchies for all this), there were dozens of Christmas-card sellers vying for space with bridal couples in absurd white satin dresses and morning suits, who had just been married during the auspicious festive season and were posing interminably for photographs.
Dressed in white overalls and patrolling the floor of the great nave, he is overseeing the installation of dozens of different-sized discs.
WSJ: Daniel Buren's Bright Periphery | 'Excentrique(s) Travail In Situ' at the Grand Palais in Paris
Since the EADS CASA planes contain dozens of U.S. parts, including engines and unique turboprops, the White House notified EADS and Spain of its objections.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DoD in Catch-22 when dealing with EADS
The two residents, whose modest white clapboard homes are separated by a vacant house, a boarded-up Methodist church and dozens of junked cars, are on friendly terms but tend to keep their distance.
Last week, the White House Council on Women and Girls hosted an event marking the 40th anniversary of Title IX with dozens of advocates and leaders who are continuing the fight for gender equity in our schools.