Cain wants no part of the victim mentality that has held back black Americans while empowering white Americans who made careers out of pandering to historic grievances.
There his foundation paid for activities designed to keep children, white and Hispanic as well as black, out of trouble.
His lunch, which he ate on his own in an enormous, empty dining room while reading a book under the absentminded gaze of the elderly maid, and the black-and-white gaze of his deceased wife looking out from photographs in ornate silver frames, was light: soup and a small portion of fish and mashed potatoes, some of which he would allow to go cold.
FOCA. And even when all these things are set out in the black-and-white of a prospectus, Formula One seems such a personal business that there must be doubts about whether Mr Ecclestone's company could outlast its inventive founder.
Most of his constituency's biggest challenges for instance, the fact that 70% of black children are now born out of wedlock are hard to blame on white people.
And hits a snag, in the form of Alexei, a crime boss straight out of central casting (black shirt, white tie, dark glasses and driving an outsize jeep with tinted windows).
They cherry picked key phrases from the e-mails and published them out of context, like a black-and-white political attack ad with ominous music.
In terms of White House symbolism the president has made efforts to reach out to black voters.
And, black or white, there seem to be plenty of souls out there ripe for saving.
The great value of the annual Green Budget from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) is that it spells out in black and white the fiscal choices implicit in government policy, some of which will come as a surprise - even, perhaps, to ministers themselves.
The DA has been through numerous re-branding exercises since its origins in the anti-apartheid movement of the 1970s and 80s, but in the eyes of some people it remains a "white" party, led by a white woman, Helen Zille, and somehow out of touch with the core values of black South Africans.
Two out of every three black marriages fail, about twice the rate of white marriages.
Much earlier in the day hundreds of coaches, cars and vans decked out in black-and-white flags and scarves travelled to London.
He pointed out ancient photos of Kashmiris in formal dress and showed us black-and-white images printed on silver gelatine paper.
He opened his thick, black coat, and out popped the head of a tiny gray and white kitten.
Finally, it will launch out of the gate running Android 4.1, and ship with black or white for color options.
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Suffering from syphilis, this woman is laid out in bed, her brow a terrifying knot of black oil and her exaggeratedly large white skirt a mockery.
Even in the one situation where he seems most himself--singing and praying in black churches--he comes off as an out-of-things white boy who has had to find a likable identity in someone else.
As it turns out, both communities have a non-Hispanic white population around 77 percent, and a black population of around 6 percent.
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And despite the fact that surveys show that whites are just as likely to use illegal drugs as blacks, one out of every 14 black men was behind bars in 2006, compared to one in 106 white men.
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Basically what I see as the middle class of Zimbabwe, be it black, white, whatever racial denomination was, it has been squeezed out.
Northern States were not without their own de facto restrictions as violence broke out in Boston in response to the busing of students from all-Black to formerly all-White schools.
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But in its brutal structure of white power and black penury, apartheid also contained visceral drama, stories of humanity willing and waiting to break out in a demotic exuberance which in his township work Mr Fugard caught so well.
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The opening sequence is ominous, with black-and-white video of an incipient drone strike, although the footage isn't black and white so much as grayed out.
It is a challenge for each of us, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, to go outside our comfort zone and reach out to someone "different" from ourselves (though I've done it my whole life).