• The Tallinn Process, as the negotiations have been dubbed, reflects growing fear among the non-Russian republics that Mr Boris Yeltsin's White House - the Russian parliament - is as great a threat to their sovereignty as the Kremlin.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • White said the Russian and Iranian governments, longtime friends and allies to al-Assad, are constantly assessing the situation.

    CNN: Attack threatens Syrian president's grip on power

  • The White House approached Russian officials, who contacted Iranian officials, who passed a warning to Assad, and the regime restrained itself.

    NEWYORKER: The Thin Red Line

  • The bust, called Odore di Femmina - Russian White, contrasts its delicate representation of pretty blooms with their sharp ceramic edges, which, as the artist explains in the adjacent text panel, creates a floral version of the femme fatale.

    BBC: Paris�� art world is in full bloom

  • After all, on 4 October 1994, within days of his storming of the Russian White House, Yeltsin issued a decree ordering the round-up and expulsion of "persons of Caucasian nationality" from Moscow, a diktat ominously reminiscent of Josef Stalin's anti-semitic actions at the time of the Doctors' Plot in 1952-53 when "persons of Jewish nationality" were incarcerated and, in many cases, eliminated.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • " It reflects "growing fear among the non-Russian republics that Mr. Boris Yeltsin's White House -- the Russian parliament -- is as great a threat to their sovereignty as the Kremlin.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The church and its convent are firmly in white hands, although Russian pilgrims of all affiliations flock there to worship.

    ECONOMIST: The battle of the churches

  • Instead of being ushered in to see the president through the front door of the White House, the Russian leader merely saw Mr Bush senior during a stop-by visit at the National Security Council.

    ECONOMIST: The world in their hands | The

  • There are exceptions, of course, and two of my favorites are both produced in New York: the Channing Daughters Tocai Friulano, a crisp dry white made from a Friulian grape, and a minerally white Rkatsiteli, a Russian grape grown by Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars in the Finger Lakes district.

    WSJ: The Unique Charms of 'Miscellaneous Wines' | On Wine by Lettie Teague

  • Amateur video show by Russian television depicted a white streak of light like the cloud from a jetliner quickly expanding to a large white ball that eventually sent shock waves throughout the city of Chelyabinsk.

    FORBES: Russia Military To Shoot Down Meteors

  • And Mr. Putin enraged the White House last year by banning the Russian operations of U.S. nongovernmental groups that promote political reform.

    WSJ: Kerry Hits Bumpy Road in World Diplomacy

  • I'm not just talking about deflationary spirals, Russian implosion or the most corrupt White House since Warren G.

    FORBES: Our fragile golden age

  • The five-year decline for white women rivals the catastrophic seven-year drop for Russian men in the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, said Michael Marmot, director of the Institute of Health Equity in London.

    MSN: NYT: 'Alarming' drop in life span for some whites - US news - The New York Times | NBC News

  • The White House has expressed deep concern over the conflict and said it rejected a Russian demand that Saakashvili step down.

    NPR: Sarkozy: Russia, Georgia Agree To Cease-Fire Plan

  • Anyone in Russia or around the world who disagrees with the current Russian government and with the outcome of the elections, will tie a white ribbon on a bag, a coat, a car, or on a window of their apartment.

    FORBES: Will Charges Of Election Fraud Prompt A 'Russian Spring'?

  • White House National Security Council spokesman Ben Rhodes said Obama reiterated U.S. concerns that continued Russian arms sales to Syria "only perpetuate the conflict" during the meeting in Mexico.


  • Robertson inadvertently gave Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez exactly what he wanted - the specter of a US plot to assassinate him - as an excuse to ratchet up repression and arm his regime with Russian-built offensive weapons, he has forced the public, the media, and the White House to confront the problem while there is still time to act.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Pat Robertson has the right idea, but wrong method

  • One of the Russian locals rented out his services to us as a guide, offering a ride in his old white Zhiguli, right into the camps.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: North Korea, evil as usual

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