• But I just want to say good luck to those who are going to be back next year, to those of you who are moving on the wider stage.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Greets the Gators

  • Contextual is about technology that knows who you are, where you are, and what you may want to do next not where you were yesterday and what you have already done.

    FORBES: Why Can't Contextual Ads Be Contextual?

  • Today, it is more about having a deep bench--telling your stakeholders that you care about more than just the next sale, and having partners who are willing to take a charge--that earns you the momentum that can turn the game in your favor for good.


  • If you blow a scoring opportunity because you're selfish, you know the crowd are going to be baying for you, and you know who is going to be slammed in the paper the next day.

    BBC: Ieuan Evans

  • Next time you need to find single male models in Omaha who are Buddhist and speak Spanish, go straight to the Facebook Graph Search.

    CNN: Heather Kelly,

  • Next, reach out to people who have observed your performance and are willing to give you candid feedback on how you are perceived.

    FORBES: How to Detect Your Blind Spots That Make Your Colleagues Disrespect You

  • And I think if you look at what I think is likely to happen next year, you already have Republicans -- some Republicans who are more aligned with the very conservative element of what's happening in New York saying this is a model for what you'll see throughout the country.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • If the American people feel strongly about these issues and they push hard, and they reward or don't reward members of Congress with their votes, if they reject sort of uncompromising positions or sharp partisanship or always looking out for the next election, and they reward folks who are trying to find common ground, then I think you'll see behavior in Congress change.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a News Conference

  • You can expect several Megabox announcements next year including exclusive deals with artists who are eager to depart from outdated business models.

    FORBES: Kim Dotcom Hints That Megaupload Is Coming Back This Year

  • "They are always helping, you always see them together, " said Mort, who has lived next door to Isabel's grandparents for the past 25 years.


  • You will be the one who are making sure that the next generation gets what they need to succeed.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Third Annual Back to School Speech

  • Unless you live next door to Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who picked one up last December, chances are, you'll be the only one.

    FORBES: The Most Expensive TVs

  • So Congress has a very simple choice next week: Do you want to cut taxes for the middle class and those who are trying to get into the middle class?

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Tax Cuts for the Middle Class

  • Next to your list of skills are the faces of respectable (hopefully) people in your network who concur that you possess those skills.

    FORBES: By Eve Mayer (previously Orsburn)

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