Mr. Gore is showing history who he is, and what he is showing is really, truly sad.
Man is an existential sad sack who instinctively sets up a game of hide-and-seek with the audience.
It is sad that Republican politicians, who a year ago were lambasting the distorting complexities of America's tax system, are now embracing an agreement that worsens the mess.
Nevertheless, today is a sad day for those of us who may not own one of the devices getting the full update.
Then the bubble pops, and in its falling shards is reflected the sad image of pretty much who you were before getting so gloriously rich.
But the most irking thing imaginable is, as Meer points out, the purgatory that is the overflow server, where sad saps who no longer fit in their home servers are placed to adventure in a much more lonely space until a spot opens up and you can be whisked off to more crowded environs.
FORBES: The Colossal Folly Of The 'Guild Wars 2' Overflow [Update]
Former military ruler Muhammadu Buhari, who is popular in the north, denies instigating the "sad, unfortunate and totally unwarranted" events.
It is a sad state of affairs that there are people who defend this behaviour.
FORBES: New Video Shows Mass Effect 3 Day-One DLC Already On Disc
Which is a sad regression to atypical Hollywood direction from a director who won an Oscar for going against cliches in his first film.
"I feel kind of sad beating Colin in the first round, " said Els, who is planning to go to Paris on Sunday for the Rugby World Cup semi-final between South Africa and Argentina which kicks off at 2000 BST.
"That a majority of American Jews have never been to Israel, and that those who have are, for the most part, infrequent visitors, is an old and sad story, " the AJC's media director, Kenneth Bandler, wrote in The Jerusalem Post.
One conversation that was sad to hear is how much time doctors spend talking to insurance company representatives who deny coverage for certain treatments and drugs for diabetic patients.
The sad fact is that the vast majority of these CEOs are likely great leaders who had poor role models and lacked frequent, candid feedback to know how to change.
The ads feature sad, real-life stories: There is Terrie, a North Carolina woman who lost her voice box.
As a former MS employee who spent countless hours with Bill and Steve, I am sad to see where the company is headed.
FORBES: Microsoft's Employees, Shareholders Pine For Bill Gates Return
When Westerners puzzle over why it's so hard for Israel to find moderate interlocutors among the Palestinians -- historically among the best educated, most entrepreneurial, and liberal of Arab societies -- a sad but simple part of the answer is that a great number of the Palestinian elites who might have filled that role were either killed or persuaded to leave long ago.