To all our wounded warriors, and to the families who laid a loved one to rest.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors Those Who Served on Veterans Day
Augustine, who gently laid his body to rest in his tomb.
WSJ: El Greco's Masterpiece The Burial of the Count of Orgaz: A Vision of Faith | By Mary Tompkins Lewis
Mido Macia, who was 27, was laid to rest in his native Mozambique.
BBC: Mido Macia: Funeral in Mozambique for taxi driver
Yet on August 27th Jack Layton, leader of the opposition New Democratic Party (NDP), who died of cancer on August 22nd at the age of 61, will be laid to rest in Toronto with all the pomp and solemn ceremony that official Canada can muster.
ECONOMIST: Canada��s opposition
His body was laid to rest in a cement-sealed grave to protect against grave robbers who often steal body parts of the dead to give to witchdoctors.
BBC: Living in fear: Tanzania's albinos
So, even as the ones they left behind at Fort Hood are laid to rest, we might do well to say a quiet prayer for those who are on their way overseas.
CNN: The fog of war envelops Fort Hood
And as these patriots are finally laid to rest, we pray their return brings closure and a measure of peace to those who knew and loved them.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
The Lamplughs are still hopeful that new evidence will come forward to finally convict the man who killed her daughter, and that one day they will find her body so it can finally be laid to rest.
BBC: Lamplugh family looks to the future
The game may also have laid a few more South Africa 2010 demons to rest for seemingly revitalised Hammers keeper Green, who put in a faultless display and this time could do nothing to prevent his World Cup nemesis Dempsey from opening the scoring.
BBC: Dempsey