• This song, the title track, makes reference to wives who get dinner on the table and husbands who should be more grateful to them.

    NPR: Doyle Lawson, Digging Deep

  • What's more, researchers speculate that families who eat together often are more likely to talk about nutrition at the dinner table than families who select individual meals from the kitchen, then go their separate ways.

    CNN: Why family meals matter

  • Similarly, he adds, children who eat dinner at the table with their family aren't eating in front of the TV, a bad habit that often leads to less mindful eating and doesn't teach children how to regulate their food intake.

    CNN: How to fight childhood obesity in 3 steps

  • You know those obnoxious people who check their smart phones under the dinner table?

    WSJ: Jeremy Lin: Jason Gay Is Not Yet Sick of the Linsanity

  • It was he who encouraged her to argue at the dinner table (conduct frowned on at the Convent of the Faithful Virgin, where she went to school).

    ECONOMIST: Eugenia Charles

  • But it was only through continuous dialogue -- at the dinner table with friends who could advise us, and using calm voices in the bedroom with one another, and keeping an open mind on the couch at the therapist's office -- that we were able to find a way to make our familial cultures meet in the middle at our mutual American one.

    CNN: His parents said, 'Not with a white girl'

  • His father was a perfumer who would inhale the scent of every item on the dinner table, including the water.

    WSJ: Book Review: Diary of a Nose | The Perfume Lover

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