Ramen noodle dishes such as tan tan men (whole-wheat egg noodles and spicy miso with pork and spicy homemade sausage), dumplings and hot tapas (locals line up for the duck-fat fried chicken) are local favorites.
FORBES: Travel Guide Inspector Dispatch: What's New In Chicago - Forbes
Combine the whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, cornmeal, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and nutmeg in a large bowl.
NPR: Recipe: 'Inspired by Ingredients'
Although the food questionnaires used in the study did not ask about specific brands of cereals, popular brand-name cereals made from refined grains include varieties of Corn Flakes, Special K, and Rice Krispies, while examples of whole-grain cereals include Cheerios, shredded wheat, and bran.
CNN: Cereal may help ward off hypertension
Giving up junk food has been hard, but she splurges occasionally on thin-crust pizza or Nutella on whole wheat waffles.
CNN: Zumba helps woman drop 123 pounds
At Whole Foods a noodle isn't just wheat and water in a plain package--it is the life's work of an Italian "authentic food artisan" named Gino Girolomoni.
FORBES: Magazine Article