Whole Language doesn't teach youngsters to sound out syllables and words as the traditional phonics method does.
In addition, there is a whole language of nods, head moves, eyebrow motion, and hand gestures that regulate connected conversation.
Illiterate Idea One of the goofiest, most destructive educational fads of recent times has been the so-called Whole Language method of teaching kids to read.
Whole Language still has defenders today, particularly the National Education Association.
After all, it was California that 11 years ago threw out the tried-and-true reading method known as phonics for a new, faddish method called whole language.
If there have been a few cross-cultural difficulties between the British and the Iraqis, the incoming Americans will have to learn a whole new language as they gradually take over from British soldiers in the coming months.
In addition, the learning materials also follow an integrated approach to literacy acquisition drawing on the benefits of the language experience and whole word approaches while taking seriously the recent findings of neuro-cognitive research.
UNESCO: Kha Ri Gude (Let Us Learn) Adult Literacy Programme (KGALP)
Still, Italians who believe they share heritage with Columbus would argue that language does not tell the whole tale.
He has proposed giving the Russian language official status in the whole republic, along with Romanian, the tongue of the majority.
Behind their impenetrable mountains, language, social structure and the whole way of life were distinct.
The Lumia brand as a whole is very consistent in its overall design language, so it's not difficult to tell that the 520 fits perfectly in the lineup.
Now instead of writing to that person you barely know in Beijing, you can listen to a whole Sinica podcast on the best English-language books on China as decreed by avid readers who live and work in Beijing.
FORBES: Best China Books For Your Summer Reading List: Podcast
The best word to describe the whole joyful, synthetic mess is one the English language borrows from German: kitsch.
But the whole experience awakened in me a lifelong interest in body language, gesture, and the conscious effort to understand what other people took for granted, content to pick up emotion and intent for the most part unconsciously.
"We object to the language in the letters and we object to the whole process, " said Kevin McCabe, assistant secretary of Nipsa.
The French language had been used to keep the population as a whole at a distance.
UNESCO: Jean-transcript | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The new version, HTML5, already supported by many leading browsers, will enable a whole new generation of interactive Web applications and serve as the programming language of the future Web.
Language is key to the enchantment of the film as a whole.
WSJ: 'Beasts of the Southern Wild': Untamed, Extraordinary, Exquisite | Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
You'd think that after 400 years there wouldn't be a whole lot more to say about the most famous writer in the English language.
So pay attention to the language you use and the impact it has on your people and your organization as a whole.