' And I thought: 'Why don't you marry a banker if you want a house with a pool, or why don't you become a banker?
WSJ: Cultural Conversation: Harriet Harris Loves Playing Bad Girls
So George Mason, when you hear people saying, well, why don't we do this more incrementally, why don't we do this a little more piecemeal, why don't we just help the folks that are easiest to help -- my answer is the time for reform is now.
Don't know why I ever thought I needed, don't know why I thought I needed, don't know why I ever thought I needed you.
"I don't know why they don't just get Jet Skis, " said Tracy Korbel, a 46-year-old Texas native, who has lived in Minnesota for a dozen years.
So -- but you need to -- I just want you to know, it's not like we haven't thought of why don't we use the SBA. We have.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
"I don't understand why they don't accredit Hinduja, " said Soumya Swaminathan, director of the National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, part of the government's network of biomedical research institutions.
And then as I grew up, you know, I started to appreciate my culture and where they're from and so I decided, like you know, I don't like what's out there, so why don't I try doing something to change it too?
Because most families have two children and don't understand why people who don't work should have things they don't.
" Atwater came back with a challenge: "Why don't you come up here and watch?
Given the math, why don't rich people give rather than bequeath millions to their kids?
Why don't you invest in your own company, create more jobs and make people better off?
Next, why don't you offer to take care of some other friends' kids for a week?
WSJ: Ask Ariely: Dan Ariely on Hot Wheels to Close Big Deals
While we're at it, why don't we dunk Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck once or twice?
Why don't you do me the courtesy of answering my questions as I have answered yours?
Why don't I accomplish something in two years instead of being in the same place?
Now, some people ask, well, why don't you just pass that and forget everything else?
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
They all seem to know the same tunes: Why don't voters believe what we do?
Mr. HARRIS: (As Carl Fogaty) Why don't you ask Tom about his older brother Richie.
Why don't the government harness the power of the sea which surrounds our country for energy?
If there is so much money swishing around, why don't we give it to them?
So you're going to where individuals are versus saying, why don't you move over to our headquarters?
My husband said, 'Oh, why don't you tell him about the big deal you did for so-and-so?
Instead, why don't we put him in the hot seat, send him on a college speaking tour.
Why don't promoters simply charge a market-clearing price for the tickets instead of bashing middlemen who do?
So my question to any of the Republican candidates here is, why don't we vote for you?
So what we've said is, why don't we give everybody a tax credit to retrofit their homes.
Why don't boys go out for extracurriculars, other than athletics, in the way that they used to?
NPR: Documentary Examines Misconceptions About American Boys
And then they actually suggested, why don't you send us the names of folks to replace him with.
Why don't we always see those prices going up and down, and up and down in a supermarket?
If tortoise stocks beat the hares so consistently, why don't investors pile in and arbitrage away the difference?