As Barry Schwartz explains in his fascinating book, The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, there are two types of decision makers.
This basketball great, in a New York Times Op-Ed piece, has made the case for why less is more: n Better games.
That is more or less enough to explain why some people find the Confederate flag offensive.
FORBES: Greens And The Confederate Flag - Jill Stein Not Whistling Dixie
Apple did that, but in classic Apple style, it was less an apology and more an explanation of why Apple is great and its competition is pathetic.
Chablis has similar characteristics but in a more refined and less aggressively crisp way, which is why they pair so well with the wildly mixed but predominantly non-spicy, white meat, bread and vegetable-based cuisine that is Thanksgiving dinner.
FORBES: The Perfect White Wine for Thanksgiving - Or Any Time
Now you have an answer the next time a client or a senior executive wants to know why your social media strategy is less about pumping out company messages and more about hearing what your stakeholders have to say.
"As it's me who put everything more or less in place, for me it is very clear why everything has its place, " says Mr. Starck.
But the transition can be challenging, especially for longer assignments of three to five years, which is why more companies are offering shorter "commuting" assignments of a year or less.
WSJ: Younger Workers Can Jumpstart Careers by Taking Jobs Abroad
This is why Wall Street could care less about emerging markets, and cares more about the pitiful growth in the US. Funny, no quotes from the head of the US business or the head of the European business.
More or Less looks at the evidence which is proving so controversial and asks why we might get the wrong measure of another country and whether the public has been given a wholly wrong impression of success and failure.
Which is why I ended up doing a few smart things to make this trip more enjoyable and less work.
FORBES: Five Business Tools To Protect Your Online Assets While Travelling
Which is why my family usually escapes to Scotland, where the Holidays are less a retail moment and more of a thanksgiving.