Chances are these behaviors will never change, so why not place a very good bet.
South Australia is synonymous with good vino so why not sample the local drops at a hospitable wine region like McLaren Vale, 37 km from Adelaide, and the gateway to the easy-on-the-eye Fleurieu Peninsula.
There is, after all, a growing--if small--demand for good foods, so why not supply them?
That does not, however, explain why music is so good at creating emotions.
We all accept that China is a good potential market today, so why not Africa is 10 or 20 years?
England's first-half performance was very good with the players they had, so why not continue that with the same players in the second half and then make changes later?
Whether or not the impact of these particles becomes an issue of substance or dissipates as many environmental problems sometimes do, there is another good reason why the future of the metal might not be so solid.
You only spend a small portion of your life in your car (although I know it seems like more) so why not splurge on something for the house instead, like a good wide-screen TV and a recliner with a fridge in the arm?
FORBES: Start Your Personal Fortune By Driving Your Car Until It Drops
If so, then it is hard to see why computers should not be recognised for good work as well.
So, why is such a free market mechanism good for one pollutant but not another?
Historically, banks have not been very good at managing either of these risks, which is why there have been so many banking crises in America, and elsewhere, over the years.
Playing the lottery is gambling, which people will do anyway, so why not let the state capture some of this revenue, so it can at least be reinvested in the public good?
This is why Apple is in the perverse position of arguing that design elements which make good smartphones so useful are not functional at all, and merely decorative ornamentation: if it admitted these features were actually useful, it would forfeit its design protection.